Tuesday-Chicken Sandwiches Are Romantic? On What Planet?

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Over the weekend, we had enrolled Monday in my school and gotten the uniform for him.  Now it was early Monday, and we were both at the bus stop, scowling, trying to break the uniform code in as many ways as possible. 

Monday had his shirt untucked, his tie loosened and shoved inbetween the third and fourth buttons of his shirt.  He was wearing brown laceless Converse, and I was pretty sure that he had torn the collar off his shirt and re-sewn it on crooked.  

Me, I was wearing lace tights, neon knee highs-one yellow, one pink-and calf high converse that were folded over to show the plaid design  on the inside.  I had also stacked 3 belts on my waist.  When Jamie pulled up and stuck her head out the window, her jaw dropped.  "Do we have to give Monday a ride too?" she asked.

"Yep, my boyfriend gets a free pass to all of my things," I said, heaving my bag into the backseat and climbing onto the side.  "Drive!" Monday and I both shouted, banging on the top.  Her bro peeled off, and we were speeding down the road.  The elastic in my hair flew out, and I knew I would be a windblown mess when I reached the school.  But did I care? Pssh, NO.  Here, on the edge of the car that was speeding down a residental road, one hand gripping the top of the car, the other holding Monday's hand across the roof, probably getting bugs caught in my now unraveling fishtail braid, was the happiest moment I had experienced since Monday had moved. 

Once the car screeched to a halt in the school, I grabbed my bag and hopped off the roof.  I re-tied my hair in a ponytail, not wanting to deal with the mess.  I grabbed Monday's arm, and he looked at me, confused.  I sighed.  "Please don't tell me you don't remember the hall skipping routine," I groused. 

Realization crossed Monday's face, and he snapped into character.  "My fair lady," he said in a terrible British accent, "how shall we get to class today?" 

"Today?" I questioned in an equally horrible accent.  "Skipping perhaps?"

"Skipping it is," Monday announced loudly, and the halls parted.  We lifted our right legs, put them down, and went skipping down the hall singing, "skip skip, skippity skip!"  The entire way.  I smiled.  God, I had missed him. 

When we reached our classrooms (his was right next door to mine)  I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.  He looped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.  I stood on my toes and kissed him.  He kissed me back.  The entire hallway collectively gasped.  I rolled my eyes and waved to Monday.  I went into my classroom and sat in my chair, putting my legs up on the desk.  So let the day begin.  Things were going ot change for the better, I could just tell. 

All day, I was bombarded with questions.  "Are you guys together?  I thought you hated him now, what happened?  Why is he even here?" I was so tired from answering the same questions over and over again, I was glad when I saw Monday, Jamie, and Monday's semi-friend Bryce, who hung around when Monday needed some bro time.  Monday shoved a tray towards me.  "A romantic lunch for Tuesday," he singsonged.  I looked at my tray.  A fried chicken sandwich.  How romantic.  I shrugged, and picked it up and took a huge bite.  I was starving.  A fresh new wave of popularity was not what I wanted. 

"Your welcome," Monday said, slightly grumpy.  "I don't get a thanks?"

I shook my head, mouth still full, and then stuck  out my food-filled tongue and wagged it at him.  Everyone roared with laughter.  We talked and ate, and I felt warm form my toes to the very top of my head. 

Dad, I thought, if you can hear me, I'm okay.  Everything I need is here, even you.  I can tell.  I love you, and I miss you. 

For once, I didn't start bawling.  Everything I needed was right with me. 

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now