Monday-When I wake up with a crashing headache

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"Ugggh," I groaned, rolling over and putting the pillow over my head.  I slapped the end table until I picked up my phone, and hit the end button.  The incessant beeping stopped.  Despite the silence, my head was killing me, probably from going headfirst into the wall when  I saved Maggie yesterday.  Maggie Caufield...damn, she's hot. 

I sat up, and pain spread across my skull.  Jesus, how was I supposed to get through school with a crashing headache?  I slowly made my way to the bathroom, and took two ibuprofen pills right then and there.  Hopefully it would kick in soon.  I took a quick shower, got dressed in the Killers concert tee I had gotten for myself (and one for Tuesday) when we had seen them in Miami, threw on a pair of jeans, stepped into my Converse, grabbed my hoodie and dragged back into my room.  I flopped facefirst into my bed, groaning.  Despite my friendship with Maggie and TJ, I didn't want to go to school and be tortured when it felt tlike a really fat cat was sitting on my head.  I grabbed my bag, went downstairs, and crashed into the couch.

After a brief moment of peace, I was interrupted by my mother.

"Monday, get up, have some breakfast," she said.

" 'Mnothngree", I mumbled into the couch cushion.

"What?" my mother questioned.

I lifted my head and looked at her. "I said, I'm not hungry," I clarifed. 

"you need to eat," she argued.

"No, I don't."

And you need to clean up that cut by your eye."

I dragged back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.  True to what my mother said, there was a big ugly cut on my head that was raw and red, most likely from the wall crash yesterday.  I ran a washcloth under cold water, wiped the cut, and slapped a bandage over it.  Good enough.

I left, not wanting to start arguing with my mother again. 

When I got downstairs, I saw Maggie there, leaning against the wall, looking so good in skinny jeans, a flowy shirt, and tall brown boots.  I waved, and her face lit up.  She skipped over to me, and embraced me immediately.  Okay...

The gesture reminded me of the way Tuesday said hello to me every day, but I shook the though away.

"Let's go,"Maggie said, linking arms with me and dragging me out into the bright New York sun. 

We walked to school, chatting and laughing.  I told her crazy things that Tuesday and I had done.  When she found something amusing, she would throw her head back and laugh. Unlike Tuesday, who had a couple fillings in her mouth, Maggie's teeth were a set of perfectly straight, ipod-white, filling-free teeth.

Once we entered the stately stone building that was my new school, Maggie was greeted by a horde of girls who smelled like fruity perfume and too much hairspray.  They also giggled and squealed way too much.  Maggie was speaking to them, and introduced me.  They all let out a high-pitched scream at the sight of me, causing me to wince.  I think my eardrums broke.  

All of these girls started greeting me, introducing themsleves, and hanging off my arms.  I looked at Maggie, and mouthed, help me.  She shrugged, as if to say nothing I can do.  

"Okay, girls, break it up.  Get off the poor guy."

TJ walked up to me, and the girls immediately jumped off me like I had the plague.  

"Thanks, man," I said, trying to wave away the smell of perfume that had glommed onto me from all those squealy girls.  "Ugh.  I need cologne."

"Gotcha covered, man," said TJ, yanking open his locker (which was inbetween mine and Maggie's) and handed me a bottle of cologne.  I sprayed myself, and threw off my hoodie, which was the source of the flowery, girly smell. Yech.

I hooked my bookbag over my shoulder, and the three of us walked to class together.  Maggie walked off to her Art class, while TJ and I went to French class.  Tuesday and I decided to take french together in high school so we could speak ot each other in foreign, but...

I shook my head.  I didn't want to keep thinking about Tuesday.  New York was my home now.  No more. 

I pulled out a fresh notebook as the bell rang, and the teacher began the lesson.

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now