Tuesday-If I get Angry ONE MORE TIME....

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"This sucks," I growled under my breath at lunch.  I was starving, and the unusual quantity of food on my tray did nothing to ease my stress.  Tampa was a big city,  but word traveled fast around here.  Jamie was a gossip hoarder, so when people paid her, she told.  A few people knew I was with child, and word was spreading like bubonic plague. 

"Tuesday, it's okay.  Everything will be fine," Monday assured me, laying his hand over mine.  I glowered at him, my bottom lip turning out slightly.  It was the first time I had ever glared at him for touching me, but...I was grouchy and would probably get more moody with time.  He moved his hand away, raising his hands slowly in defense.  Jamie stared at me in surprise at my reaction, and Bryce pretended to be engrossed in his salad that was drowning in bacon bits.  I blushed, realizing what I had done. 

"I'm sorry, Monday..." I muttered, feeling stupid.  I then grabbed the burger off my tray and dug into it.  The crinkling noise of the wrapper was the only thing that cut through the tension.  I took a monster bite of the burger, almost taking off my finger while doing so.  Incoherent murmurings of pleasure escaped my lips...God, it was so good.  I devoured the rest of it in three bites.  I took a sip of my Arnold Palmer, and the moment I put it down, I felt the familiar wrench in my gut.  I stood up and bolted  to the trash can just in time to throw up into it.  Coughing, I heaved another wave of ick into the bin.  Monday went ot my side and rubbed my back until I had hacked up my insides.  

"I think I just upchucked my liver," I moaned, forehead resting on the lip of the trash bucket.  From there, the world was not basket of roses, but I was too nauseated to care.  "I hate this, Monday.  Why can't this just be over already and given to the adoptive couple?" I whined.

"Tuesday," Monday said patiently, lifting my face.  "Whatever you want is fine.  we can still be aborted if you want it tow be over." He smiled.

It took all my willpower to NOT sock him in the jaw.  "Hell no, Monday.  Are you going sadistic too?"

Monday frowned.  "I"m pro-choice, Tuesday.  I tthink it's sadistic and wrong, but if it's what you want..."

"It's your baby too, Monday.  How would you feel if it died?" My voice was rising now.  

"Yes it's my baby, but in your body," Monday argued.  "Sure, I'll be a little disappointed, but I'd live.  Why? Because it's your choice.  Do you want me to have an opinion on something that is YOUR PROBLEM?"

"Oh, it's MY PROBLEM? " I yelled.  "When 2 weeks ago you were telling MY mother that this was your fault too?"  My legs were shaking, my energy was being sapped.  But I was seeing red, I was so furious.  

"Tuesday," Monday said, still straining to be patient.  "I'm just trying ot make this easier for you."

"When you say things like that, it makes me freak, Monday.  That's not an easy thing," I said, collapsing back into my chair, pooped from the whole anger thing.  

 I'm sorry, Tuesday," said Monday.  "Here, do you want my Orange Julius?" He held the bottle out to me.

I whirled around. "Sold," I said, cracking open the top.  I tried not to choke as I took an enormous swig.  "All is forgiven," I said.

"Monday, you know her just a little too well," Bryce said, watching me.  "What else do you know?"

"Everything," Monday said.  "Like: Her favorite color is NOT PINK, she is addicted to sweet tea, her favorite flowers are white orchids, black roses, and lotus flowers, she likes all music except for screamo and some rap, she is into chocolate ice cream, and she one day dreams of having a burger made out of bacon bits wrapped in bacon with bacon on top in a bacon bun." He rolled his eyes and smiled.  "There's more, but those are just a few things."

Jamie's fork was halfway into her mouth.  Bryce had a steady stream of olive oil dressing coming ou tof his open mouth.  I just smiled.  I had known  Monday since I was born.  Our incubators had been right next to each other.  Plus, our families had been friends before we were born.  Odd, of course.  Did I love it? You bet your bootstraps I did.  (What ARE bootstraps anyway?)

Nothing could ruin the relationship between Monday and me.  


The next morning, I was at my locker, struggling ot open it, when Jamie came up to me.  "Do you want help?" She asked, while I nodded and yanked my button up down. Again.  

Instead of jiggling it, she yanked a folded piece of paper out of the door.  "Try it again," she urged.  

I did the combination and lo and behold, it opened easily.  I grabbed my math book when some flowers fell from the shelf.  A white orchid, black rose, and a lotus flower.  My brow furrowed, a little confused, as I grabbed my things and shut my locker.  Yanking my shirt down again, I slipped them into my bag and turned to Jamie, who was reading the piece of paper that had been jammed into the door.  She handed it to me, and I read:


I'm sorry this is out of the blue, and that this is probably the wrong time ot tell you.  Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my feelings for you inside anymore.  The flowers are just an expression of how much I care about you.  I don't know a whole lot about you-scratch that, i don't know anything about you.  But I want to know everything.  I"m sorry I'm sending this to you now of all times, with your boyfriend and a baby on the way.  

I know you care about Monday, but I fear that he may ditch you because of your haywire emotions.  You must understand that I've been here for you all along, even if you have never realized it.  You are the sweetest thing in my life, and I hope one day you'll see just how much I care for you.  If you ever need me, just think closely about who else knows some of your favorite things.

Until then, 

A Friend

"Please tell me this is your idea of a joke," I turned to Jamie.  She shook her head.  

"Pull your shirt down," was her only coment.  She turned and walked off, as I pulled my shirt down over my barely-starting-to-show stomach.  These shirts were so freaking form-fitting, I was going to have to let mine out already.  I dragged to French, where Monday was waiting.  

"Hey, bright eyes.  Why the long face?" Monday said, kissing me good morning.  I handed him the note and flowers.  His hands began to shake as he read the note.  

"Was it you?" I asked hopefully.  

"No," he growled, handing me the note and flowers wordlessly. I threw them away in the garbage can.  "What kind of JERK would give you flowers when he obviously knows that you are with me and are pregnant?"

"Monday," I said, surpressing my boiling rage that he was openly mirroring.  "It's just a note.  I'm sure this person has said his piece and will leave me alone." I walked into my classroom, steamed.  What kind of moron would pull a stunt like that?

So I went to the only person who could giv eme sensible advice right now.  What should I do, Dad?  I thought, begging my father to giv eme some sort of condolence.  

The answer came, although I wasn't sureif it was my dead father or my own subconcious.  

Tuesday.  You should just be yourself and go at your own pace.  This is not worth worrying about right now.  You should worry more about Monday and the baby.  

I took a deep, shuddering breath.  "Thanks, Dad...subconcious...whatever," I mumbled, putting my head down on the desk.  I decided to be out for the count.  I was tired.  I would worry about it later.

*hm...so who do you think her secret admirer is?  Or is it just Monday or Jamie joking with her?  Comment, vote, and of course, enjoy!*         

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now