Monday-Revenge is a bitch, unless you know my girlfriend

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I sat in homeroom, updating my facebook status, when I heard giggling. 

Two girls in the next row were watching a video, giggling and pointing.  "Oh my God, send it, Ashleigh.  It's soooo funny," said one of the girls inbetween giggles. 

"Who should I send it to, Valerie?  Tiffany, Anna, Brianna, and Kori already have it," said the other one. 

"Send it to...Rayna, Chelsea, Natalie, Zoe, Hayden, and...Maggie?" said the first girl-Valerie.  "She hasn't seen it.  She will totally freak.  Oh, send it to Monday, too, he hasn't seen it." 

"OMG, he hasn't?  That's gonna be embarrassing when he finds out."

I went back to my computer, confused.  What were they talking about? 

A feww moments later, my message icon lit up.  It was a video that those two girls had been watching.  I clicked on the link, curious as to what was so funny.  Moments later I was horrified. 

Tuesday had made a video.  Of herself. And me.  The loser video.  I realized that everyone was watching this.  Come to think of it...lots of people had been using computers or ipods today and laughing. At this mortifying video of me.  They were laughing at ME

I went to Tuesday's profile, and her status read:

Payback's a bitch.

I looked at the uploader comments on the link, and the first one said;

Now you know how I feel, Monday Randall Wilson.  Suck on that. 

Oh god.  I jumped up, grabbed my pack, and bolted, oblivious to the teacher's questioning as to where I was going.  I had to get out of there. FAST. 

Once in the hallway, I was bombarded by an onsluaght of cruel, slow-motion laughter, like Sue Sylevester after her "Physical" video.  I stormed toward the doors, pushing people out of the way.  I was about to go out the doors and bolt towards home when a hand hooked around my collar. 

"Hold it right there, buster," said a chilling voice.  It was Maggie.  I turned aroun and smiled my killer smile.  All I got in return was a sneer. 

"Hi, baby.  What's up?"

"Don't you 'baby' me, Monday," she snarled.  Her voice was icy.  " I thought I told you to stop hanging out with that bitchy little girl."

"I did, I swear!" I said, holding up my hands in defense. 

"Oh really?" Icicles hung from everyone.  "You lied ot me.  You said that you two weren't even really close.  But that video of you and her and her cheap makeup-stained face proved that you two were very close."

"Okay, we were very close.  I told you that because I thought you would be angry about it.  But it's over, Maggie, I swear.  I care about you, and only you." I silently prayed that karma was taking the day off, because that would come back to bite my in the ass later. 

Her eyes burned into mine, flicking slightly, like she was trying to find out if I was lying...I wasn't, but I had a feeling if she found the slightest fault, she would use my head as a battering ram against the window. 

With a sigh, she released me.  Inside I was going "PHEEEEWWWW," and on the outside I calmly picked up my bag, and walked out the doors.  I didn't care.  I needed to cut the rest of the day...and maybe the next day...or a few weeks...until all of this blew over. 

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't hear the tapping sound of ballet flats behind me. 

"I didn't say I would forgive you," Maggie said, catching up to me.  I swore under my breath.  I had beat up a clone of the Incredible Hulk for her-twice!-tried an illegal drug to impress her, and ended things with the only person who really and truly was there throught thick and thin, sickness and in get the idea. 

I whirled around and faced her.  "What else do I need to do, Maggie?!  I have done anything and everything to make you happy,  and now you're pissed because why?  Because my needy ex-friend made a stupid video as part of a dumb revenge plot!  So what the HELL do I need to do to make you happy???!!!"

"There are two things, but you can pick which one you'd rather do," she crooned. 

I crossed my arms and waited impatiently. 

"Well, there's this necklace I really want," she began.

"I'll buy it for you," I said.  It sounded easy. 

" Okay-if you have a quarter of a million dollars burning a hole in your pocket," she said.  "If not, get it for me anyway."

"You mean  steal it," I growled.

"If you wanna put a label on it, then yeah, steal it." she smirked.

"NO WAY.  I could get arrested, or jailed, or worse," I snapped. 

"Okay, there is one other option, and it doesn't involve anything illegal," she said.  Before I could open my mouth, she said, "Do it with me, at my place, and we'll forget that this video ever happened."

"Do what?" I questioned suspiciously. I was pretty sure I knew what, but I was hoping Karma would have mercy on me. 

"You" she said.  "Don't tell me you haven't done it before," she continued.

"Hell no," I sadi flatly. 

"Those are your choices," she said, "if you want to keep me around."

"Get it through your thick, pot-laced brain, Maggie," I growled, snapping.  "No means NO.  I'm saying, I'm not.  I'm telling you to leave.  Get out of my life, don't come back.  Stay away from me."

Her eyes narrowed. "You're making a HUGE mistake here.  If you let me leave, there will be consequences," she hissed.

"I'm not letting you leave," I corrected.  "I'm telling you to leave.  Now get out, before this request becomes a demand."


"GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. MY. LIFE," I said, talking to her like she didn't understand...and truth be told, she didn't.  I didn't wait for her to answer.  I just turned around and walked off. 

Little did I know that I was making a huge mistake.  The mistake of trying to get out of the hole I had dug myself into. 

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now