The beach-Mike

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"Baby please?",Mike pleads."Mike,you know I hate the beach",I sigh.I pushed myself up on to my kitchen counter."But we'll have lots of fun",he smirks and wraps his arms around my waist."Mike",I scold him for trying to persuade me with his perfect face."We can run in to the water,I'll get to see you in a hot bikini",he says.I slap his arm but a small smile appears on my face."Ok fine.But we better not be there for too long",I give in."Yay!It'll be great y/n",he grins and pecks my lips.

We get ready and meet up with Aria,Ezra,Alison,Emily,Spencer,Toby,Caleb and Hanna.We all go to the beach together.

When we get there,the boys rip off their shirts and run in to the ocean while us girls take our time getting ready."Nice bikini",Hanna compliments my neon pink,leopard skin bikini."Thank you,yours too",I smile.I am the first one to go in to the ocean from the girls.

We all splash around for the next while.Mike takes my hand and leads me further in to the ocean.When are feet can't touch the ground we stop.Mike turns to me and wraps his arms around my waist.I place my arms on his neck and we just sway back and forth."Your beautiful,do you know that?",Mike asks."Where's this coming from",I blush."I don't know",he shrugs and smiles innocently.He then leans in and kisses me before diving under.I try to look down but I can't see Mike."What are you doing",I giggle.I then feel his hand grip my ass.I try to jump away but his hands were blocking me and I end up falling in to the ocean.We both swim back up and start laughing hysterically."Your such an idiot",I splash him."But I'm your idiot",he grins.

After the beach,we go to a park and have a picnic.Everyone is cuddled up and the dim light shines on us all.I reach my hand in and take a sandwich out but Mike takes it away and has it down in a matter of seconds.I jut out my bottom lip."Mike",I whine."Sorry",he grins innocently,butter all over his face.I laugh and take another sandwich and this time he doesn't take it.


"Goodnight y/n",Mike and I lie in my bed."Goodnight",I yawn.About a half hour passes by and I still lie awake."y/n?",I hear Mike whisper.I mumble a 'yes?'."I just want to say that I love you",he takes my hand.I chuckle a little."I love you too",I smile in the dark.

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