A merry little Christmas -Mike

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I died my hair😂

You wake up Christmas morning and run downstairs.You had stayed the night in your boyfriend,Mikes,house.He wanted you to see how the Montgomery's spent Christmas.

Everyone is awake.You see Aria and Mike in the kitchen making hot chocolate.Ella and Byron sit on the couch with big smiles on their faces."Good morning",you smile.Mike spins around and runs towards you.He picks you up in to a hug and he take in his scent.

"Sit down.We're making hot chocolates and then we're going to hand out presents",Mike informs you.You nod and escape his grip to sit down beside Ella."Thanks for having me stay here Ella.I'm sure this Christmas will be awesome",you grin."No problem sweetie.We love having you here",Ella says.Aria comes over and gives you and Ella a mug of hot chocolate."Hey,where's mine?!",Byron frowns."Patience dad",Aria laughs.You sip your hot chocolate while waiting for the presents to go around.

When Mike and Aria are done making the hot chocolate,you all sit around handing gifts to each other.Aria gives you a small,pink wrapped gift."Aria,thank you.I wasn't expecting this",you grin and tear off the paper.Inside is two channel iPhone cases."Omg.I can't believe you got me these.That makes my gift look pretty shit",you chuckle nervously and hand over her present.She opens it and gasps."A signed book by Agnus Green",Aria takes it out and shows it around while you open Mikes present.

"Mike it's beautiful",you take out a big frame.Inside of the frame is a photo collage of pictures of you both.You look at them all and memory's flood back.You and Mike on your first date,you and Mike skiing with Mike's family,You and Mike going to a football game with your dad.There was so many memories that you had enjoyed together."You really like it?",he blushes."Yes of course I do",you hug him.You knew it was going to be a great Christmas no matter where you were,Mike would make everything ok.

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