Horse Riding -Spencer

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Authors Notes:

So I've decided to do some imagines about a day out with one of the liars.It just shows how good your friendship is as shit:p

Anyways,I hope you enjoy this little imagine about you and Spencer going horse riding.


"Hey",Spencer pulls you in to a hug."Heyyy",you grin."Are you excited?",he asks."Yeah but I'm kind of nervous because you won't tell me where we're going",you sigh."Ok,I'll tell you",she smirks."Horse riding",she confesses."Omg,yay!",you shout a little louder than you should have.You and Spencer have been horse riding a few times before and you loved it every time.Your family couldn't really afford horses so it was great being around one of your favourite animals.

Spencer pulls up to the riding stable and you both go inside.Your greeted by a handsome guy wearing sweatpants,a t-shirt and Wellington boots."Hello girls",his English accent half melted you."Hey",Spencer smiles casually."I'm Ben,the new stables boy",he gives you both a grin revealing his white teeth."Ok,well I'm Spencer Hastings and this is y/n y/l/n.We're here for a trek out in the woods",Spencer explains."Oh I see.Can you follow me?",he turns and walks off.You and Spencer hurry after him.

"Hastings,Hastings,Hastings",the boys whispers to himself as he scrolls through the list with a pen."Ah,here.Spencer Hastings,2:30pm,2 hour trek",he looks up and waits for conformation."That's it",she nods."Ok,have you been here before?",he asks."Well,my family do own half of the place",she chuckles."Oh,that's right.Peter and Veronica?",he raises his eyebrows."Yeah",she looks at you and rolls her eyes as if she were bored of the conversation.You were pretty jealous that this guy hadn't even noticed you although you knew it he did talk to you,you would just freeze and embarrass yourself.

A few minutes later,once the horses and Spencer and you are tacked up,you both start off to the woods.

"He was so annoying",Spencer sighs once your both trotting through the woods."I thought he was pretty cute",you blush."But he just wouldn't stop talking",she laughs."Yeah,I guess your right",you turn away so Spencer can't see the blush redden in your cheeks.

You and Spencer go in to a canter and a few minutes later,a gallop."Spencer....slow down",you pant.She laughs at how out of breath you are."Can we go back?",you ask."Why?So you can see your little crush",she teases."No,I'm really tired",you protest",you furrow your eyebrows."Ok,sure",she smirks.You stick out your tongue."Race you",she calls out and gallops away."Hey,not fair",you sigh and gallop after her.You laugh at how childish you both were.

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