Hero -Jason

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Hey, I'm back:/ I'm ashamed it's been so long but I really am trying :( Anyways TYSM for nearly 10K I can't even believe it😱😱

You would never forget this day. Jason Dilaurentis came to your rescue. You could have died or you could have been seriously injured but he saved you. He was your hero.

It was a Saturday evening and you and the girls were having dinner at Emily's. You were celebrating an 'A free year'.

"More lemonade?", Emily offers. You shake your head. You and Hanna had secretly been drinking alcohol. "No thanks, Em", you smile politely. "Guys, how about we all say a little thanks", Spencer suggests. "Seriously", Hanna smirks. Aria frowns at her but agrees with Spencer.

All of the girls say things like how glad they are that A is gone and how they're going to totally change now. It comes around to you and you slowly stand up, being careful not to fall over. After all you were quiet tipsy. "I'm glad A is gone of course but it's not going to change much. We aren't being threatened with our secrets but maybe that was a good thing. If A hadn't outted my uncle to my dad then this probably would have been going on. If A hadn't told Ella that Byron was cheating on him, you would have had to live with the guilt, aria", You shrug. "Ok, I think that's enough from you", Spencer pulls you down. "She's totally right though", Hanna takes your side. Everyone falls silent.

"It's getting late, maybe we should all go home", Alison says who had been silent most of the night. "Sure", you stand up and grab your coat. Emily catches you in the hall. "I know you've been drinking. I won't tell the others but you got yourself pretty wasted", she says like a disappointed mother. You roll your eyes and leave her house.

When you get to your street you see Jason Dilaurentis across the road. "Jason, hey", you wobble your way over. "Y/N!", he shouts and runs towards you. He pushes you and you fall back in to the path. You see a car fly past, honking its horn quiet loudly. Your quiet dazed and you give your head a little shake.

Jason had saved you that day but he had taken his own life too. You always blamed yourself for that day but your friends and family always told you different. You would never forget that day. Not in a million years.

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