English struggles -Ezra

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You tap your pen against your desk and rack your brain for an answer to the first question of the exam.

1. Give three similes from the story 'To kill a mockingbird'.

You knew this answer but it just wasn't coming to you.You tried to study last night but you had gotten an SOS from Spencer and when you got back to your house it was 11:30.You fell asleep and today you regretted it all.

The school bell rings."Ok,times up class.Please leave your papers on my desk as your on the way out",Mr.Fitz commands.You sigh and grab your piece of paper up in a ball and throw it on Mr.Fitz desk."Wait,Y/N",he places his hand on your arm and a tinkling feeling shoots through you.You look to him and raise your eyebrows."Can you wait back for a minute?",he asks and you nod and sit back at your desk.

When everyone has left the classroom,Mr.Fitz sits at the desk in front of you and turns the chair around so you both face each other."Y/N,I know what's going on in your life right now.I do read the paper and I don't blame you but I'm worried that if you keep failing these tests then you can forget about college",he says."Right now college is the last thing on my mind",you roll your eyes."But it won't be like that forever and you'll regret this.I know it's not your fault that you have no time to study or that you can't think because of everything that's going on but the best I can do is give you extra classes after school to help",he suggests.You think about it for a minute."Actually that sounds like a plan",you nod.

You and Mr.Fitz start your after school classes and after multiple classes your back on track and you realise that teachers can be pretty cool too.You both even made a date to go out to dinner together but just as friends.For now at least.

Omg this is literally the worst imagine ever but I needed to update.I'm sorry that it took so long and I will try to update more but this month has been pretty hectic.

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