Self Portrait-Aria

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You and Aria arrive at your art class.You both did this every Sunday because you both loved art and it made you two a lot closer than all of the other girls and secretly you liked that.

"Ok,class.Today we will be drawing self portraits of ourselves",your art teacher announced."I'll hand around a box of pencils and Lisa will hand around sheets of paper and you can all get started",he grins and passes around the box.

"Aria",you mumble."Hmm"."What do I look like?",you ask.She looks at you and laughs."Beautiful",she smiles."Thanks but what colour eyes do I have?What is my hair like?",you ask,frustrated."You should know",she laughs."I know but...this is hard",You sigh.She smiles and walks off.She comes back a minute later and places a mirror in front of you."There",she says."Great idea",You start to draw.


"Ok class,it's time to finish up",Lisa says.You put down your pencil and look at your drawing which you were pretty satisfied with."That's amazing",Aria says."Thanks,yours too",your eyes glisten when you see Arias beautiful self portrait.

She takes out her camera and snaps a few pictures of each of your portraits before you have to leave.

After class you both decide to stop by the brew.You ordered two lattes and sat down in the corner spot that you both loved.

You both started to talk about different things like college,boys,friends,family."I'm just so relieved that Mike has you y/n.Your the only one that can stop him from being...bad",she shrugs."Well,I won't be leaving him anytime soon",you smirk."I know.Its so cute seeing you both together",she smiles."Thanks,how's you and Ezra",you look across the café and spot Ezra talking to a waitress."It's ok actually.We're still not back together and I don't think we will be but I like us being friends",she sips her latte."That's good though",you reassure her and she nods.You look over at the front door which just opened and spy Hanna,Emily,Spencer and Alison.You call them all over and you girls talk for hours on end.

Authors Notes:

Sorry these have been so short!I promise I'll try make them longer:)I hope your enjoying this and thanks so much for the reads:D

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