Heartbreak on Christmas -Noel

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Sorry for being inactive:(

It was an accurate December day.Snow was falling and people,including you,were wrapped in scarves,hats and gloves.You were going shopping with your boyfriend Noel.You told Noel to meet you at the centre of the mall so that's where you were heading.

You pass Victoria's Secret and Starbucks and finally you see Noel.He is standing in a long coat with a scarf around his neck.Beside him is one of his best friends,Amanda.You knew Amanda pretty well and totally didn't mind hanging out with her.

You wave and smile at Noel but he doesn't notice because he's deep in conversation with Amanda.You suddenly stop walking and gape at them both.They had both kissed.Noel pulls away and Amanda hugs him,winks and walks off.Noel then jerks his head up and looks around.He spots you and he suddenly looks alarmed.You break down and run off before he can say anything.

You run to Taco Bell and sit down to try and calm yourself but it doesn't work.You thought Noel love you and you didn't expect this.Noel comes in and you try to leave but he blocks your path."Y/N listen,please",he tries to take your hand put you pull away."Don't touch me.How could you do that to me?I never want to speak to you again and don't even try explain!",you push him out of your way as run off.

You look back and fortunately he isn't following you.Suddenly your phone beeps.You take it out and look at the new text message you had just received.

From:Blocked ID

Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of year spent with your loved ones but unfortunately for you,your going to be all alone....Kisses -A

You burst in to tears and fall the to the ground.You didn't care who was watching you.You loved Noel.He was all you had.

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