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Mike would only say mean stuff and sometimes trip you up but it was still bullying.You told your best friend Alison but she just laughed about it and said it was just a joke.She even told you to get a sense of humour so you tried to laugh along with Mike and his friends but they just got annoyed and called you some more harsh names.

You were walking home alone from school one day.Alison had to go with her dad,Aria,Hanna and Spencer went to the mall and Emily was at practice.You felt a hand on your shoulder as you walked along.They spun you around and you came face to face with Mike Montgomery."Hey",he gives you a small smile."What?",you spit."Look,I'm not here to call you names or anything.I was just wondering...",he starts but you stop him."Mike,save it.I know this is a prank.Just leave me alone",You demand."No y/n it's not a prank!I know I've pranked you and made you feel worthless but I was just wondering if you wanted go out with me?",he grins.You roll your eyes and turn to walk away but he stops you."Please y/n.I call you names and prank you because I like you and I just want your attention",he explains.You turn around and look him in the eyes.His eyes are glistening and you can see he's actually telling the truth."Why would I go out with you Mike,after everything you've done to me?",you ask."I know.I just thought I'd ask but I can make it up to you",he promises."I don't know",you look down at the ground."Look,I gotta go.Heres my number.Give me a call or text me some time",he places a piece of paper in your hand before running off.That was weird.

**That night**

You decided to give Mike a text because your were bored out of your mind.Your friends were all busy.'Hey Mike,it's y/n',you send.'Hey,can I call you?'.Your hesitant but you type back a quick yes.

**Phone call**




Mike:Look,I'm really sorry and I know you probably won't forgive me but I am.

You:Mike...it's fine.Well it's not but we'll work it out.

Mike:Ok,Now come out to your balcony.


Mike:Just come out!

He ends the call and you go out to your balcony.You look down and see Mike with a guitar."You play?",you chuckle."No,but I'm gonna try",he laughs as starts to strum the guitar.You flinch away from the off key tune."Sorry,it's just this guitar",he blushes.Thats the first time you've ever seen him blush."Yes,I'm sure it is",you tease.

You go outside a minute later and you and Mike sit in the grass."This is weird",you say awkwardly."Why?",he mumbles."Because usually you wouldn't be caught dead sitting with me",you explain."I told you y/n,I'm done with that.I want you",he blushes for the second time tonight.He then leans in and crashes his lips against yours.You can feel butterflies in your stomach.You push him off."It'll take more than a kiss to make up for this",you say sternly.He nods and looks away."But that doesn't mean you can't kiss me",you smirk and he smiles and passionately kisses you.


Ok so I know some of you may be confused that my first few chapters had I in them for example 'I kissed him' and this imagine has 'you' so I'm gonna keep going with the you because it seems better but whatever.None of y'all care.


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