Vacation -Toby

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You and your boyfriend Toby had been planning to go to Ireland for months now and finally the day had come that you both were going.

You woke up at 3:00am and got ready.You left a note for your parents and called a taxi.You and Toby decided that you would meet each other there.The taxi arrives and he drives you to the airport.You were so excited but really nervous.

You see Toby at the booking area and he pulls you in to a hug."Are you nervous?",he asks."Yes.Very nervous but also very excited",you grin."Let's go then",he takes your hand and you go through.

Finally you two are all ready and it's time to get on your plane.You both get on and find your seats.You had brought magazines,headphones,books and everything because you knew it was a long way away."A couple hours and we'll be in Ireland",Toby whispers and kisses your cheek.You smile and lean your head on his shoulder.

Almost 6 and a half hours later we arrive in Dublin,Ireland.You get a taxi to the hotel you were staying in.You leave our bags and get a change of clothes on.You then leave and do a little exploring.

You get a taxi in to town and go in to a few stores.Toby buys a t-shirt that says 'pog mo thoin', which he later finds out means kiss my ass.You watch the river Liffey and talk for a while and then you have a picnic in the Phoenix park.You can see the presidents house and Toby tries to persuade the guards to let him in and gets you both kicked from the park.

You get back to the hotel a while later.You realise how lucky you are to be on holiday with Toby.You were practically living your dream and you couldn't think of a better person to be with.

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