My best friend Em- Emily

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Ok so I've decided to do an imagine on somebody liking Emily.I'm bisexual so I'm totally comfortable writing this.I know some people won't mind reading it but some people will so please skip ahead if your not comfortable with reading about girls kissing girls:/

••Pretty short••

You and one of your best friends,Emily,sat on Emily's bed doing some homeworkYou were in the middle of your maths homework."Hey,when did Hitler die?",Emily asks.You look up and shrug."I get C's in history",you explain.You watch as she stares at her notebook trying to remember.She stops and catches you staring."What?",she chuckles."Nothing",you blush.

A while later,when your homework is done,Emily drives you home."I'll see you tomorrow",Emily says when she pulls up outside your house."Yeah",you sigh."What's wrong?",she asks.You look straight into her eyes before leaning over and crashing you lips on to hers.She tenses for a second before kissing you back.You place your hand on her cheek and she pulls you closer.

You make out for a few minutes longer until both of your phones buzz.You pull away and reach for your phone.


I didn't see that one coming.Just kidding I see everything and so will everyone in Rosewood after I show them this video.

Ttyl Bitches -A


You and Emily look at each other.Worries expressions are plastered across both of your faces."What have we done?",you sigh.

There could be another imagine following up to this so stay tuned haha:D

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