Wedding bells-Ezra

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Your five best friends stood around you.Fixing your hair,make up and dress.You kept repeating that you looked fine but they refused to even let a lose piece of hair stick out."Ok,you can come in now",the priest says.You nod at him.Your dad comes over and links his arm around your."Ready?",he asks.You give him a shaky nod.

The church doors open and music starts to play,quietly.Your dad and you walk up the aisle,arm in arm.He leaves you at the top in front of your handsome husband.Ezra Fitz.

"Y/ look...beautiful",he sighs."Thank you.You clean up well if I do say so myself",you tease.The priest coughs,grabbing both of you attention.You blush and Ezra chuckles.It was pretty embarrassing,being watched by so many people but your five best friends were right in front of you which left a relieved feeling inside of you.

About an hour goes by of the priest going on and on.Ezra says his speech and vows and so do you.You look at the beautiful ring on your finger before the priest finishes the wedding by saying, "You may kiss the bride".Ezra pulls you close and both of your lips crash together.Everyone claps and cheers and you smile in to the kiss.

Authors notes:

Sorry that this is soooo short and soooo late.Ive been really busy and inactive but I'm trying my best:)

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