Chapter 7

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Rosalie's POV:

We all sat in a circle on the floor. I sat next to Harry, his eyes locked with mine the entire time. Louis started off with the questions.

"ROSIE!!! TRUTH OR DARE?!?!" He screamed. I winced slightly and laughed. I suddenly felt brave.

"Dare" I said confidently. He seemed surprised by my answer. I smiled to myself. If there was one thing that I loved more than music, it was catching people off guard.

Louis smirked evilly. Oh dear.... What did I just get myself into???

"I dare you to switch shirts with Niall." I stared at him, and then Niall. Even though I was feeling completely insecure, I decided to catch everyone off guard, again. I slowly peeled my shirt off and handed it to Niall. Every jaw in the room hit the floor as I looked to the ground. Niall quickly took his shirt off and handed his to me.

I slid his shirt on with ease, but he seemed to have trouble fitting into mine. He finally gave up, leaving the shirt in the middle of his chest, not being able to pull it down any further.

"Since when do you have abs Rose?" Liam asked wide eyed. I chuckled and took my place next to Harry.

"Ever since I moved to London." I said. I grew up in Wolverhampton, next door to Liam and his family.

Harry shook his head and smiled cheekily.

"You have a better body than Niall." He said. Everyone erupted into fits of laughter, apart from Niall, who sat with a pouty look on his face.

Once everyone calmed down, it was my turn. I contemplated on who to pick.

"Louis! Truth or dare?" I asked excitedly.

"Dare!" He said, mocking my tone with a smirk on his lips.

"I dare you to call one of your sisters, and tell them you're in love with Harry." I said. Harry laughed and Louis just shrugged and dialed a number on his phone.

"Hey Lottie! I wanted to tell you that I love you! And guess what?? I'm in love with Hazza!" He screeched into the phone and hung up abruptly. He laughed in complete hysterics and everyone joined him.

"So how did you know I had sisters?" Louis asked breathlessly.

"My best friend is a total Directioner." I said smiling.

"Oh that's cool! Does she wanna video chat us or something?" asked Niall. I laughed.

"HE would love to!" I said still laughing. The corners of Niall's mouth twitched, but he tried to keep the smile from his face.

We continued playing truth or dare for hours. We finally decided to video chat Jason. So I grabbed my iPhone and Face Timed him.

"Heyyy!" He said, waving into the camera with a wink. I giggled at him.

"Hey bro! Guess who I'm with?" I asked.

"Who? That curly kid that you're in love wi-" he began. I cut off his sentence by shoving my phone into my hand, to muffle the sound. My cheeks blushed ferociously and Harry protectively snaked his arm around my waist once again, winking.

"Well actually, um yes. But I have a few people that I want you to meet." I said, still blushing. I handed Zayn the camera.

"Vas Happening?!?" He yelled. I could see Jason's inner fangirl coming out. Zayn handed Niall the camera.

"Potatoes!" He screamed. I laughed as Niall passed the camera to Liam.

"DJ Payne in da house!" He said happily. I caught a glimpse of Jason, and he was clutching a pillow to keep from bursting. Liam handed the camera to Louis, and he positioned the camera so it was facing him, Harry and I.

"Hey broski!" He screamed. Harry waved at the camera. Jason smiled.

"Hi everyone!" He said happily.

"Hey Harry! You better take care of my beautiful girl!" He continued. Harry's grip on my waist tightened slightly.

"Oh I will." He said, worriedly.

"Oh and by the way! You don't need to worry about me stealing her! I'm gay!" He said confidently. Harry seemed to relax more and he nodded. We said our goodbyes to Jason and Louis whispered something into Niall's ear. Niall grinned and ran into the kitchen. Of course.

He then came back with an empty beer bottle.

"Spin the bottle anyone?" He asked.

Crap. And just when I thought I avoided kissing someone tonight.  

Hello awkward.


Heeeeeeeyyyy!!! HAHA

Ok I know that wasn't funny.


Anyway, thanks for the support guys! And I'd really like to see some more reads!

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I know I sound greedy, but this will help me feel accomplished.

I love you!

~Cassie <3

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