Chapter 14

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Rosalie's POV:

~ Dream ~

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. My body ached and my heart threatened to beat out of my ribs. My mind was telling my to stop but I was too scared to give up.

"Get back here bitch! I'm not finished with you yet!" He yelled. His icy voice sent pain through my heart.

I tried to go on, but he was gaining speed. I fought my hardest, but he was too strong.

"Now I've got you right where I want you." He sneered just before his hand made contact with my cheek.

~ End Of Dream ~

I woke up, drenched in sweat from head to toe. I clutched my heart, breathing shakily and heavily.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I simply tossed and turned, thoughts clouding my mind.

This was the 7th time that I've had a dream about him. It made me sick. Ever since Harry was stabbed four weeks ago, I've had petrifying nightmares. I checked my phone and glanced at the time.

"Crap!" I screeched. It was 4:30 in the afternoon! I guess I really didn't sleep last night.

Harry was supposed to pick me up for our date at 6:00. Now I only had an hour and thirty minutes to get ready!

I hurriedly jumped out of bed, instantly regretting it. The cold air of my house washed over me and I shivered, almost falling over. I automatically missed the warmth that my bed sheets provided.

I ran into my bathroom and slammed the door. Quickly, I shed myself from my baggy pajamas and hopped into the shower. I shampooed, conditioned, and shaved at record speed.

I quickly jumped out and reached for my towel. Once it was secure around my body I walked into my room, letting the steam of the shower fog up my mirror.

I skimmed through my wardrobe, pretty much waiting for the perfect outfit to jump out and me. Finally I decided on black shorts and a flowy blue tank top. I laid out my outfit on my bed and slipped on some undergarments. I then went back into my bathroom to do my hair.

I dried it quickly, adding some mascara as I brushed through my hair. Who says a girl can't multitask?

I vigorously brushed my teeth as I plugged in my curling iron.

I curled my hair into big, loose curls and eyed the time. It was already 5:45!

I hurriedly finished my hair and applied make up to my face and wrists. I blinked a few times when my eyes started to become glassy. Harry didn't need to see the remaining scars, nobody did.

I slipped on my outfit and grabbed a pair of black shiny sandals. I glanced in my full length mirror once more, fluffing my hair and straightening out my clothes. I grabbed my small black clutch purse and my phone before I walked out of my room. I ran into the kitchen, shoving a granola bar down my throat before I slid into the lounge.

Sitting on the sofa, I decided to skim through a Cosmo magazine to pass the time. So I nearly jumped out of my skin when my doorbell was rung.

I swung my door open to reveal a beautiful green eyed boy with curly locks. I smiled at him.

"Hello gorgeous." He exclaimed happily as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Hi Harry." I said softy, kissing his cheek. He pulled away from the hug and pecked my lips. I blushed as he brushed his nose against mine.

"Shall we go?" He asked smirking. I nodded happily.

As we were waking down the path to the car, our hands intertwined. They fit together perfectly, like puzzle pieces. I smiled at the thought.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked him as we neared the car.

"You'll see." He winked as he opened the car door for me. I thanked him and slid in.

Once we were both in the car, he looked me in the eyes.

"I need you to trust me." He said sincerely before he brushed his lips against mine. I smiled.

"I'll always trust you Harry." I said, my words dripping with love. He smiled at me and pecked my nose. Before I could say anything, he reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a blindfold.

"Will you put this on please?" He asked politely. I knew he would never hurt me, even if the situation sounded odd. I slipped on the blindfold without a word, but my smile stayed glued to my face.


Taylor's POV:

I sat from behind the bush, stalking their every move. That little slut will regret stealing Harry from me.

I watched as they drove away, giggling and smiling. At that exact moment, he called me.

"Hey babe are you watching them?" He asked.

"Yes. It's all settling out." I replied.

"Good. My brother left the job unfinished. He got her sister, but left the bitch alive." He rambled.

"And it's our job to finish what he started." I smirked. Boy when we are finished with her, poor little Rosie won't know what hit her.


Heyyyy!!! I'm back!!

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Last week I was really really busy and this week I was just lazy.... Oops!

I love you my little ducklings!

~Cassie <3

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