Chapter 9

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Rosalie's POV:

We chatted for the rest of the night. And everything was perfect! I checked the time, 11:30????

Wow. Time flies by when you're having fun, and especially when you're with someone like Harry.

Woah Rose! Control you're thoughts!

We continued to chat for a bit. The guys talked about their upcoming tour that started at the end of summer. The thought of Harry leaving caused pain to erupt in my heart.

What if he forgets about me?

I do have all summer though...

I'll just have to make sure that he knows I'm not the kind of person that is easily forgotten.

We continued our chat for a while until suddenly, the front door was kicked open.

We all gasped as two men with black hoodies and masks ran into the house.

My heart started to beat ten times faster as I grasped onto Harry's hand, holding it for dear life.

"Don't move!" the first robber screamed. His voice boomed through the house. I had recognized him form somewhere. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash. The one guy ran outside with the flat screen tv while the other took the glass coffee table. They ran out together and as soon as the went to their car, Liam, Zayn, and Harry stood up. Niall crept closer into Louis' side as Louis snuggled closer into me.

The guys barged back in. They clearly weren't pleased by the fact that we had moved.

The first robber pulled a shiny blade out from his pocket.

"We are so screwed." Louis murmured in my ear. I simply shook my head. I felt an adrenaline rush coming on.

The robber with the knife quickly made his was towards Harry and pushed him against the wall. He kept the knife to his throat, painfully close. I watched a small drop of blood come out from beneath the blade and Harry whimpered slightly. He then took the knife away from Harry's throat and stabbed it into his side.

That's when I snapped.

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