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(sorry if the last chapter wasn't great! I'm trying!!!!!! Please vote and tell me what you think! I'm going to try and update whenever I have time. Please leave comments and tell other people! Love you guys! <3 here's chapter 3)

Crap this is not good. I need to come up with something....but what? All I can do is stare in total shock because I have been caught. I haven't just been caught by anyone either! It's one of my best friends dad, who's a cop!

"So Elizabeth, how are you feeling?"

"Ok sir...." I looked away from him and at the cup, spinning it on the table.

"What are you doing here? Isn't there school today?"

I gulped and replied, "Yes but I needed to get away for a while...."

"And you thought downtown was the best idea?" he leaned forward and put his hand on the side of his mouth so no one could hear, "next time I would pick somewhere less public." he winked and I smiled back.

"I'll try to next time sir." I saluted as he stood up.

"Now this never happened." I laughed a little and nodded in response. With that he turned around and went on his way.

Well I just dodged a bullet. Scared there might be more cops to come around I stood up and grabbed all of my things, taking one glance back to see Sam leaning on the counter looking over at me. I waved good-bye, as he held up his hand in a phone gesture and winked.

Steadily I made my way over to the book store, just across the street. It has always been my favorite place to go and now was one of the best times to go. Opening both double doors I look around. It reminds me of Harry Potter because of the way it's set up. (Every genre is like a street sign, the street signs look like the ones from Harry Potter.)Taking a breath I go to the teens section.

Once again no one was anywhere to be seen, just the way I like it. Now what book? Hmmmm. I started searching through all of the titles, the appealing ones I would read the backs of, but then I sat them back down looking for a better one. One caught my eye. It was an old paper back nearly one hundred pages. I gently picked it up and looked at the cover, "Sixteen and Dying".

I gasped, that's like my situation. I flipped it over to the back and began to read. It was about a girl who just found out she had aids. She went to a horseback riding camp, finding a boy she ended up caring deeply for. A tragity happens sending her back home to where she will never know if she gets to see that boy again.

I couldn't stop reading the back. This book is meant for me, it's meant to be mine. With that I headed for the front counter, handing the cashier 6.50, and left going back over to the star bucks area. Taking a seat I pulled the book out and began to read.


An hour had past with me just sitting there intently reading. As I went for another swig of my frappé, I noticed how it was almost out.

"Shoot!" I mumbled harshly. Rolling my eyes I got up and went to throw it away.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else...."

My phone! I started rummaging through my bag, when suddenly I hit something pretty hard, and the rest of my drink splashed all over me! F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C! Just flipping great.

"You know babe we've gotta stop meeting like this!" The guy chuckled. I looked up. No not him. My breathing hitched and my eyes grew wide. Quickly I put my arms across my chest covering up the stain.

"It's funny meeting you here. I didn't take you as a skipping school kind of person." he smiled and went on, "Here let me get you a new shirt." grabbing my hand he started pulling me to a parking garage. Oh no, I know where this is going.

"Let me go!" I tried pulling away but his grip was too tight.

"Come on babe!"

"No Logan! I'm not coming with you!" With that my right hand came up, putting all the power that I had in it, and SMACK! His grip barely loosened and now there was a red mark on his left cheek.

"You shouldn't have done that babe."

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