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Elizabeth's P.O.V

I've been laying in bed for about a month I guess, well that's what they tell me. I haven't seen Logan for more than a month and its killing me inside and out. I know it's stupid to break up with him, but he needs to get used to not having me around. Logan deserves better and that's what I'm going to give him, even if he was the only thing left keeping me alive.

The doctors say I'm going to die sooner than expected, because I won't eat or sleep. There's nothing really to live for anymore and I'll have plenty of rest once I'm finally dead. Dead. When I'm finally dead....tears brimmed my eyes. I can't just leave the world like this, without him knowing how I truly feel.

I buzzed the nurse in and asked for a piece of paper and pen. She nodded and left the room, coming back with a pen and paper. I took a deep breath and laid them both down on my lap, so I could pull the tray up and right in it. Grabbing the pen in my write hand I fiddled with it and closed my eyes. Opening them I started writing.

Dear Logan

Logan's P.O.V

Laying on my bed upside down I stared at my door. Interesting isn't it? A wooden door, so fascinating. I let out a heavy breath and sat upright.

"Agh!" I yelled touching where my stitches used to be, instantly pulling my hand away.

Getting up I walked over to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, when I heard the door bell ring. I let out an angry breath and stomped over to the door.

"Hello?" I asked a little ticked off.

"Yes I'm here to talk to a Logan."

"I'm Logan." I grumbled.

"Right," he smiled, "you're needed at the hospital."

"Why? Who sent you?" I arced an eyebrow.

"An Elizabeth Wells, she said its her last day here tomorrow so she would like to see you before she leaves."

"O-ok thanks." After all this time she wants to say good-bye? I shut the door and went back into my room, slamming my door shut.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Finally I'm finished. I folded the paper neatly into three parts and stuck it into the envelope. I let out a breath and sighed, I hope he comes. I don't want to leave without saying goodbye. He means so much to me and I want him to know that. I want him to keep something with him that will remind him of me, a happy me. I know I said he shouldn't be around me, but he's the last thing I want to see before I die. I know I'm only thinking of myself, but if he doesn't want to see me then he won't show up. It might break my heart, but at least he will be happy and that's all I want for him.


"Yes?" I looked up to see a smiling nurse.

"You have a visitor." My eyes widened. Is this it? I swallowed.

"Bring them in please?" My voice was hoarse.

"Yes ma'am." She nodded and left the room. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest. The door opened and my heart stopped. For the first time in a month a small smile crept up onto my lips.

"Logan, you came." Tears swelled up into my eyes.

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