My Savior

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(Sorry if the last chapter wasn't great. :P. guys please vote, comment, and spread the word about the book! I love writing it but I kind I feel like I'm writing it for myself. Anyways heres the next chapter I hope it's good! I love you all soooooo much! <3 -Abby)

I was just in my bra and jeans now, sweat trickled down my face, and tears burned my eyes. Sam was shirtless unbuckling his belt. He doesn't understand what kind of danger he's in by doing this.

"Sam don't do this." I told him once more but he didn't pay attention.

Looking down I stared at Logan's jacket. Why did he leave me to fend for myself? I started crying more leaning my neck forward. It hurts so bad from the love bites. Thankfully he hasn't stolen two things yet. First my first kiss and second my virginity. But soon I won't have either to hold on to.

"Come on doll don't cry. I'll make you feel good."

"No Sam don't! You don't understand you can't!"

He was already bending down unhooking my belt. My pink lace underwear showing. I turned my face wincing in pain and shame. More tears rolled down my face. Why me? I kept asking myself....why me?

"I'm gonna make you feel good now...."

I felt his hands creep up on the hem of my underwear, I closed my eyes anticipating the moment. Suddenly the hands were gone. Opening my eyes I found I was alone.

Looking around I quickly changed back into my clothes. Wiping all the water from my face and fixing my hair I went out of the alley. Where did he go? Just then I heard a scream. It came from down the street.

Running across the street I turned into another alley where I saw a blond boy sitting on top of a darker haired boy. He was swinging punches literally left and right, blood was on his hands I could only imagine what the guys face looks like.

I cautiously inched closer, my body on edge. As I got right behind the blond I took in the gruesome scene. The boys face was bruised all over, eyes swollen, lip cut, and face bloody. I couldn't stand it! I gently place my hands on the shoulder of the blond, he stopped and looked over at me. His face was cut and bleeding the blond streaks had drops of blood.

"Logan, stop you're going to kill him."

He looked at me and back down at Sam ready the throw another punch. Logan threw up his fist, but before he could do anything else I caught it.

"No!" I released his hand and went in front of him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. "He's learned his lesson you're not going to jail for me."

Logan wrapped his hands around my wrists and gently removed them from his face and put them around his neck. He then pulled me into his body, hugging me while kissing my head. I gripped the back of his neck and squeezed my eyes shut.

"It's ok Logan. Everything's going to be ok." I whispered over and over in his ear.

Slowly he rose up from sitting, carrying me with him. I held on to his neck, feeling like a little kid. But I didn't care I, for once, felt safe. Tears rolled down my face again, realization of what just happened hit me. I held on tighter to Logan, as clip after clip of what just happened flashed through my head.

"Babe what's wrong?" Logan stopped in his tracks and brought my face to meet his.

"I...." my voice cracked as more water fell, "You...." Reaching up at my neck I touched the marks wincing in pain.

"Don't worry Elizabeth, I wont let anything happen to you ever. I'll make all the pain go away.....I'll make it go away." he pulled me closer with each word.

Burying my head in his neck I sobbed. If only he knew....if only he knew.

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