The end

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Logan's P.O.V

It's been a year since I got released from the hospital. A year since my brother was put in jail. A year since I last saw Elizabeth. It's been hard with my mom in rehab and my dad dead from alcohol poisoning, not being able to see my brothers hard, I know he shot me but he's off of drugs now and is finally back to normal.

I've dated a couple times, but nothing serious I'm not ready (honestly I don't know if I'll ever be ready). I graduated and am now going to Marshall, studying to be a physical therapist. I'm actually a year ahead of what I'm supposed to be! It's great! But even though my life is finally starting to run smoothly there isn't a day that goes by I don't think of Elizabeth. Just for the memory of her, I go down to Starbucks everyday around one and sit there, drinking a vanilla bean frappé. It's one of the only things I have left to remember her by. I'll never be able to move on from her and what we had, no matter how hard I try I can't....I will never be able to forget her, but I would never want to she's my North Star that helps me find my way, my sun that I revolve around, she's my world....or at least was.

I took a deep breath and walked down the sidewalk to Starbucks, it's pretty busy since its about summer and schools letting out, crazy how time flys. I opened the big glass doors and made my way towards line. Waiting for what seemed like twenty minutes I reached the front of the line.

"A large vanilla bean please." I smiled at the girl behind the counter. She was pretty tall, with long red hair pulled back into a pony tail, big blue eyes out lined in black, rosy cheeks, and light shaded lips.

"Sure thing sweetie." She smile and rang if up, "6.45" jeez these are getting expensive! I pulled out my wallet and handed her the money, telling her to keep the change. Her smile widened as she thanked me.

I walked over to the side counter where I would receive my frappé. It only took about two minutes until my order was called. I walked out of the store, taking a seat on one of the outside tables. I looked around finding kids playing around, older couples sitting on benches next to one another, and high schoolers well being high schoolers.

"Same old same old." I mumbled to myself taking another swig of my drink. I looked down at it and smiled remembering the time I ran into Elizabeth and spilled it all over her. She wore my jacket and when I got it back it smelled of fruit. I still love the scent to this day. I let out another shaky breath and looked down. I don't want to be here, maybe the book store? Elizabeth loved books, which is why I shouldn't go....then where?! I got up and dumped my drink, when I looked up I noticed a group of girls standing by the water fountain, high schoolers.

There were four, one with long black hair that hung to her waist, the other with light brown hair what was up in a pony tail, the other one had white hair on the top and pink and blue on the bottom it barley reached her shoulders, and the last one had shoulder length blonde hair highlighted brown and a lighter blonde. I could tell they all were pretty, but something about them caught my attention. Maybe I'm finally moving on?

I neared closer trying to figure it out. All of a sudden the pink haired girl turned around and looked at me, she smiled and turned back around, whispering something to the others. They all turned around and giggled, while waving at me. I smiled and waved back looking over each of them, then I met eyes with the blonde. Her smile soon faded and her eyes widened, what's wrong with me? Do I have something on my face? I squinted my eyes until I saw way.

"Logan?" Her voice came out squeaky.

I tilted my head, "Elizabeth?" She covered her mouth and shook her head. Then it clicked, "Elizabeth!" Her hand fell from her mouth as she sprinted towards me jumping into me, putting her hands behind my neck and wrapping her legs around waste. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately, pulling her closer to me. She broke it off and stared into my eyes, her eyes glistening a dark green.

"I thought you were dead." I whispered.

"No Logan, I was moved to another hospital where they could perform surgery on me." She smiled., "I didn't know if you were ever going to get out of that coma." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Why did you write me that letter if you were just going through surgery?"

"They didn't know if I could make it. I would have given it to you myself but they rushed me immediately to the hospital, you weren't awake yet."

"Why surgery?"

She sighed and lifted her head up, "I had an infection, then they thought they found a cure for aids."

"Did they?" My eyes widened.

She smiled and nodded, "it was dangerous, a couple blood transfusions, a germ eating medicine they just invented, and some kind of the bark they use to kill bad cells." It all makes sense now! She never said she died in the letter just left! I understand what the doctors meant by 'better place'! She wrote the letter just in case she never saw me again, just in case she died. But she didn't she's her with me, alive.

"I thought I lost you!" I brushed her hair to the side.

She smiled up at me tears in her eyes, "Never Logan. You will always have me, you found me when I was lost, you fought for me when I was in danger, and you stayed with me till the end. You are my knight in shining armer and I am forever yours."

I smiled tears trickling down my face, "You are my princess, I will do anything for you." I cupped her cheek in my hand and looked deeply into her eyes, "You hold me in the palm of your hands, you are my world Elizabeth Summer Wells and I will always love you."

Her grin got even wider, "Promise you won't leave me? Always love me?"

I shook my head, "Always, I promise. Do you promise?"

She nodded, her hair bouncing up and down on her head, "Always Logan, always I will love you even after my heart stopes beating." We both shut our eyes and kissed each other gently, knowing that we will always have each other. For she is my princess and I am her knight, we are inseparable, for we beat the odds. She made it....we made it.


This is the end guys! Did i trick you? ;) I might make a sequel. What do you guys think? Love you guys! Don't forget to read mg other book invisible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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