Chap 1

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Allison (Alli) Kent has been adopted by The Kents at age 12. She was raised by them along side her adopted brother, Clark Kent, who's the same age as she is but three months older. Clark and Alli spent a lot of their time together. Clark was also adopted but he was adopted when he was 4. They never really knew who their real parents were but Jonathan and Martha Kent raised them to be great kids.

Nikita (Niki) Willbrow was The Kents next door neighbor. She is the same age as both Alli and Clark. According to Clark, she's the girl next door. She has feelings for Clark and Clark has feelings for her and they got together five months before they graduated. The three of them: Alli, Niki, and Clark grew up together, basically after Alli had been adopted. First it was only Clark and Niki so having to adjust to Alli was a little different but Niki managed. She knew it was going to take time and Clark wanted to be the older brother to Alli. Nikita's feelings are getting stronger and stronger and they won't stop.

Brooklyn (Brooke) Verang is Allison's, Clark's, and Nikita's best friend. Also, the same age as her friends. She's currently dating the former swim team captain, Author Curry aka AC, for a year now and he graduated a year earlier than her. They all hang out together but when with AC, she always has a smile on her face unless they get into an argument, of course, but they always seem to work through that.

It's the Friday, after graduating high school. They were all hanging out at the Talon before Alli heads off to see how much Metropolis has changed. She wants to go to Metropolis University (MetU) but she wants to go and scope out the campus first.

Clark Kent (18)
Alli Kent (17)
Niki Willbrow (18)
Brooke Verang (18)
AC (19)
Lex Luthor (23)

Alli's POV
I woke up Friday morning and sat up in bed. I smiled at the graduation robe that was hanging on my closet door because I was too tired to put it in my closet last night. "You did it, Alli," I sighed. I showered and got dressed in a white dress with a dark brown belt, dark brown cowgirl boots, a denim jacket, and a turquoise bracelet with matching earings. "Goodbye Smallville..." I soft curled my hair and went downstairs carrying my black duffel bag. "Hi Mom."
"Allison, glad to see you're up early," Mom smiled.
"Well, I really do wanna go and see my friends at the Talon before Clark drives me to Metropolis," I smiled. "I can't believe I'm going back to Metropolis. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Well, if you don't like Metropolis, you can always come back," Mom nodded. "This is your home too."
"I know, Mom," I replied with a smile. Dad walked in. "Hi Dad."
"Allison, you ready for your trip to Metropolis?" Dad asked.
"Kind of, sort of," I shrugged. "I just hope the city is still for me."
"Even if it isn't, you're still my daughter," Dad nodded. "You can come back any time."
Clark walked in. "So, I put the post in for the fence," Clark nodded. "I hit some granite but I managed to jam it through."
"One of the perks of not having to put up posts because I'll need a sledge hammer and you don't," I smiled. Clark smiled. "You do all your chores in like ten minutes when it takes me two hours to do mine. Though it's because of your super speed, super strength, super hearing, many different types of visions, and many other things I can't even remember." I nodded. "I'm seriously going to miss you."
"I'm only a phone call away," Clark nodded.
"So, the trip to Metropolis, are you going to run it or drive it?" Dad asked.
"Drive," I replied.
"Run," Clark replied at the same time.
We looked at each other. "You're not running me to Metropolis," I looked at Clark. "I'll rather enjoy the two hour ride rather than have my super powered brother take me on a joy ride." I looked at Clark. "Gives us some brother and sister quality time."
"Yeah," Clark nodded. "Let's get you to the Talon." I nodded. We walked outside and got into the truck. Clark started driving. "Are you sure you don't want to get to Metropolis in ten seconds?"
"Fine," I smiled. I always gave into my big brother. Adopted or not, I cared for Clark just like he cared for me. We got to the Talon and walked inside. "Hey Niki." We hugged and sat down with Brooke and AC. "I'm going to miss you guys."
"Then, don't go," Brooke stated. "It's that easy."
"A year ago you wanted to go to MetU," I replied. "What happened to that Brooke I met?" I looked at her. "The one who wanted to be a star reporter for the Daily Planet?"
"That girl is gone," Brooke replied. "I'm staying here."
"Okay," I replied putting my hands up. "I just miss my journalist."
"Anything I can get you?" a girl walked up to us.
"Sure, Lana," Clark nodded. "Alli, what do you want?"
"Double expresso for the road," I smiled.
"Coming right up," Lana smiled.
"Times three," Niki nodded. Lana nodded. "Alli, how much of Metropolis do you remember?"
"It's been almost six years," I nodded. "I don't even know if I can actually remember that much." I smiled. "Which is why I'm going to be spending the whole weekend there with my brother."
"The whole weekend?" Niki asked. "Clark, we had a dinner planned for tonight."
"Niki, I am so sorry," Clark sighed. "I promised Alli we would spend the whole weekend in Metropolis."
"If you want, I can take your sister," AC nodded. "Brooke and I are heading to the city to see the aquarium."
"The thing is it was supposed to be a weekend just for Clark and I," I nodded. "After Whitney has left for the Marines, Clark helped me get my mind off things." I looked at Clark. "And he helped me cope when I found out that he had died in combat."
"I remember that long week," Niki nodded. "Just hearing your voice the week after just made me feel better to know that you were okay." I nodded. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded. I looked down. "If you want to hang out with Clark, I totally understand. I can find a ride."
"Don't be silly," Brooke looked at me. "That's a two hour drive. You know Clark can get you there."
"I know he can get me there in ten seconds flat but, the thing is, we weren't going to come back till Monday morning. We planned Sunday night but Monday morning gives me a few more hours," I nodded. Brooke was a little confused. "Mom and Dad are trying to plan my eighteenth birthday like a royal wedding knowing we don't have the money." I sighed. "My birthday is two Saturdays from tomorrow and I honestly don't want a big party."
"You know about that?" Clark asked.
"Nothing goes unsaid on the Kent Farm, Clark," I stated. "It's not easy being the birthday girl and Mom constant prying in asking me what I want when I'm 18."
"Yeah, that probably kinda threw you off," Clark dropped his head. "Mom and Dad just wanted to throw you one big birthday."
"Every year I wish for the same thing and not once has it come true," I replied. "Every year. I just gave up. I mean, what's the point of wishing when it's not going to happen."
"I don't know," Niki shrugged. "It may come true one day."
"Not this one," I nodded. I smiled. "I just want to explore the world but, first, I need that ride to Metropolis."

Lex's POV
I caught the end of the girl's sentence. "Who's needing a ride to Metropolis?" I asked. They all looked at me. "Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." I looked at Clark. "Hey Clark. Almost didn't recognize you there."
"Lex," Clark nodded as they shook hands.
"Here are your expressos," Lana said as she put the cups on the table. "Hey Lex."
"Lana, how's the Talon running?" I asked.
"Carrying it's own weight as usual," Lana smiled.
"Who's needing the ride?" I asked as Lana walked away.
"That would be me," the girl said replying.
"And whom may you be?" I asked.
"Allison Kent, but everyone calls me Alli," she nodded.
"Kent," I replied. "Clark, is this the ---"
Clark cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. "Yes, she's my sister I've been telling you about," Clark replied as he removed his hand.
"No, what was he going to say?" Alli asked.
"Just how your an amazing young woman who will do great things," I nodded. "I don't think we've met properly. I'm Lex Luthor." I looked at her. "But from your facial expression, I think we've already met."
"Yeah, when I was fourteen, I walked in on you and a girl skinny dipping," Alli nodded. "I think you were teaching her the breast stroke?"
Her friends were holding back their laughter. "That was you?" I asked, a little embarrassed. "Wow. You're all grown up now."
"I remember who you are now," Alli nodded. "But Clark here planned a dinner date with his girlfriend and we were suppose to spend the whole weekend in Metropolis to check the city."
"Well, if Clark's okay with it, I can drive you up there and you can stay in the Presidental suite," I smiled. "That is if it's okay with you, Clark."
"I was thinking of taking her there and coming back," Clark nodded.
"I'll save you the trip back," I nodded. "No need to spend four hours to make a drop and come back." I looked at Alli. "Plus, it gives me time to get to know the younger Kent."
"I'll walk you guys put then," Clark sighed. Alli grabbed her expresso and we walked outside. Clark grabbed her bag from the truck. "You have your lifeline?"
"Always handy," Alli said as she held up her cell. "And the charger is in the bag." Clark handed the bag to me and I put it in the Porsche. "Is it safe to say I'll see you soon?"
"I'll be up there after dinner with Niki," Clark nodded. Alli looked at him. "I promise."
"Being punctual isn't really your strong suit but as long as I see you before I sleep," Alli smiled. "Can you promise me that?" Clark nodded as I opened the door for her. "Okay." She gave Clark one last hug. "See you tonight."
"No worries," Clark smiled. She got into the car and closed the door. "Take care of my sister, Lex."
"I've been pulled from the brink of death more times than I can count," I nodded. "She'll be fine." I got into my car and started driving. "Is there anything interesting about the younger Kent I should know or do you have questions of your own?"
"How are you best friends with my brother yet, I haven't met you till now?" Alli asked.
"Well, every time I come by Clark says you just missed my sister, she's at cheer practice, or my sister is at a study session," I nodded. "Which is think is code that you were with your boyfriend who was the quarterback, am I right?"
"Whitney was the quarterback for Smallville High. He enlisted in the Marines," she sighed as she took a sip from her cup. "Three and a half months ago, I found out he died in combat and they found his body." She looked at her phone. "Sometime I would hope he would call or text but after three months, I kinda realized he's not coming back."
"I'm sorry to hear that," I replied.
"It's okay," Alli managed a small smile. "I got my friends and my big brother."
"Okay," I nodded. "Does Alli Kent have any special talent?" Alli looked at me as I glanced at her. "Just getting an insight on you."
"Well, I was part of the school choir and ensemble. I joined the drama club for two years," Alli listed. "I graduated with honors. I need a car to get around instead of using my big brother. Uhm, I just wanna explore the world." She smiled. "Metropolis is my first stop. I lived there till I was twelve, and that's when the Kents adopted me." She started thinking. "Oh, and Mom is bringing me back to Metropolis next weekend to find a dress for my eighteenth birthday."
"Don't you want a big birthday?" I asked.
"Knowing your family doesn't have the money, you just want pizza and hang out with your friends," Alli nodded and smiled. "But it's Mom and Dad. Whether I'm moving or not, I'll let them have this one."
"You don't know this but your father doesn't really like me," I sighed. "I've mad many incidents with Mr. Kent when you weren't home." Alli looked at me. "I don't know why. All I tried to do was help and he just doesn't want it."
"That's Dad for you," Alli nodded. "He's stubborn but he's my father." We got to Metropolis and I needed to make a stop at the LuthorCorp Plaza. "I should've known this building would still be here."
"Have you been inside?" I asked. She nodded. "Come on." She followed me up to the sixtieth floor and to an office. "This is my office. Make yourself comfortable. I need to fill out some paperwork. Do you want anything to eat?"
"Kind of taking in the view right now," Alli nodded, "but a pizza would be nice right about now."
"Alright," I smiled. "Just let me know if you need anything."

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