Chap 7

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Alli's POV
I woke up Sunday morning and showered. I got dressed in a peach colored floral skater dress, a white cardigan like blazer, peach colored (one and a half inch) heeled flats, a gold cuff bracelet, a three layer chain necklace along with my locket, and a teal clutch. "Let's go and get my name changed," I sighed. I walked downstairs and Oliver's back was towards me. "Ollie?"
"I thought I was going to have to send out a search party," he replied as he turned around to look at me. "Well, you surely got the business casual of dressing like a Queen down."
"It's business," I nodded. "Let's go." We went down and got into his car. "Alright." He started driving. "What is Oliver Queen going to show me today?"
"First, the court house to get your name changed and two, I'm taking you to a top secret location to meet someone," Oliver smiled. "Hey, don't worry. You're pretty much dressed for every occasion today." We got to the court house and walked inside. "To be honest, I've never been inside of a courthouse or a police station for that matter."
"A girl without a record," Oliver smiled. "Seems like my sister is a goody two shoes."
"Who keeps Clark out of trouble and I plan to do the same for you," I replied. We walked into the room and filled out half an hour worth of paperwork and my name was changed. We walked out of the court house. "No more paperwork. I don't think I can survive another minute filling out paperwork." We got to a huge building and got out of the car. "What is this place called?"
"I welcome you to Watch Tower," Oliver replied. "Come on." Ollie grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. He put his hands over my eyes as we walked into a room. "I swear, if I fall, its on you." We stopped after like three minutes of walking. "Ollie?"
"Ready?" Oliver asked.
"I hate surprises," I sighed. Oliver removed his hands and I fluttered my eyes open. There stood my parents, my biological parents. My eyes tears up as Chloe stepped aside. "Mom? Dad?" Mom opened her arms. I ran up to her and hugged her. Dad wrapped his arms around the both of us. Oliver got in on the hug as well. "Why did you have to tell us you were dead?"
"If they weren't, Lionel would've figured out your related to the Queens," Chloe replied. "That's why they had to go under. Then, with my help, I was able to get them to resurface."
"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to watch your grow," Mom nodded. "But you became a fine woman on your own being raised by The Kents."
"Chloe!" Clark exclaimed walking in.
I turned and looked at Clark. "Oh my god," I replied. "Clark..." I walked up to him and looked at his face. "You're bleeding."
"Yeah, I got into a fight with Titan," Clark sighed. "I'll be fine. He's taken care of."
"I told you to not go at it alone, Clark," I sighed. "But do you ever listen to me? No, you don't."
"I'll be up there with Emil," Clark sighed.
"Yeah, okay," I nodded as Clark went up the stairs. "Mom, Dad, I want you to be a part of my life." I turned and looked at them. "Eighteen years...that's too long. Also, to have met you once and not know it was you?" I sighed. "That's what I want to know."
"Honey, all that matters is that you're here now," Dad smiled. He hugged me. "So, tell us what eighteen year old Allison plans on doing in her life?"
"Okay," I smiled. We sat on the couch. "I'm going to Sweden for orientation at an arts school, Saturday." I sighed. "Lex Luthor arranged for me to fly to Stockholm and we have a limo to Jönköping."
"Why didn't Oliver arrange this?" Dad asked.
"Because I didn't find out he was my brother until yesterday and I had planned this for two weeks already," I sighed. "Trust me, I'll rather have Ollie take me."
"Allison," Dr. Emil said from over the railing. "May I see you for a second?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"We gotta go back under but, Oliver, give her our number so she can talk to us," Mom nodded. "We gotta go." I nodded and we had one family hug. "We love you."
"Love you too," I smiled. Mom and Dad left. I went up the stairs with Oliver following me. "What?" Dr. Emil held up a syringe. "Is that blood in that?"
"It's my blood," Clark sighed. "Emil is going to inject it into you and you are going to have my powers meaning you also have my weakness."
"Clark, you can't be serious," Oliver replied. "Do you want to curse her for the rest of her life?"
"Ollie, I think that it's a good thing that I will have Clark's powers. Only because I can use it to do good and actually clean up files that Lex has on us," I smiled. "Honestly I think he has a file on each of us that contains information that none of us wants the world to know." I looked at Clark. "And you can teach me how to use them at Ollie's apartment for the rest of the week."
"Uh, uhm, sure," Oliver replied, a little unsure. "Just, you know, don't let me come home to a flaming clock tower."
"We'll keep it simple," Clark nodded.
"Alright," I sighed sitting on the comfortable gurney. "Take the needle and stick it in me." I held out my right arm. "This wasn't the Sunday I imagined." I felt a small pinch and it was over. I felt a wave of power go through me. "Whoa, that's a rush."
"Feel any different?" Oliver asked.
I ran downstairs within the blink of an eye. "Does that answer your question?" I asked.

Clark's POV
"Well, time to get to work," I sighed. "What to start with first?"
"Heat vision," Alli and Oliver said at the same time.
"So I don't burn the house down," Alli nodded. "I remember how hard it was for you."
"Let's go to Smallville and do that on the farm," I nodded. She smiled at me. "Don't say what I think you're about to say."
"Race you there," Alli smirked and took off.
I stood there. "You lost," Oliver nodded at me.
I ran to Smallville and Alli was sitting in the barn looking at her phone. "What took you so long?" she asked.
"You got the super speed down," I smiled. We practiced for hours and Alli had everything down. Lex came by. "Hey Lex."
Oliver walked in. "Ollie," Alli smiled. She walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm ready to go back home."
"Why don't you head there and I'll see you in a few hours?" Oliver nodded. "I have to talk to your brother about something."
"Okay," Alli smiled. "Behave boys."
"I wouldn't count on it," Lex sighed as Alli left.
"Lex, I'll talk to you later," I replied. "I can go see you at the mansion after I talk to Oliver." Lex left and I made sure of it. "What do you know Oliver?"
"Alli being a major asset to the team," Oliver replied.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"My inside sources tell me that Lex Luthor is planning to propose to Allison Queen-Kent two weeks after they get back from Sweden," Oliver replied. "I came to make sure that you don't do anything to stop their wedding."
"I am not going to let her marry a monster," I sternly stated. "I won't allow her to do that." I looked at Oliver. "Why would you let your own biological sister marry that monster?"
"For the same reason she's using her powers to erase our files," Oliver replied. "If she gets deep enough, she might uncover more and we might have what it takes to bring down Luthor once and for all."
"You mean killing him," I assured.
"If we do, Alli inherits everything," Oliver replied.
"You just want LuthorCorp," I replied. "You're only doing this to benefit yourself."
"Clark, don't think for a second that's what I'm doing," Oliver nodded. "The only thing is, what if Alli does fall in love with Luthor during the process?"
"Then you're going to have a hard time killing off Lex," I replied. "You might be willing to get blood on your hands, but I'm not."
"I'm headed off to Metropolis," Oliver replied. "Just think about what we just talked about and maybe figure out something."
"Sure," I sighed. Oliver left and I squeezed my football, basically deflated it. "Dammit."
"I wouldn't want to be that football right now," Niki replied walking in. She sat next to me. "I can feel the tension, Clark. What's wrong?"
"Alli, Oliver, Lex," I sighed. "It's not right."

Niki's POV
"The part about my secret or the part about not sharing it?" I asked.
"As much as I want to tell Alli about you being invisible girl, I bite my tongue," Clark sighed. "But also because Alli has a secret too." I looked at Clark. "But remember how I told you Oliver and Alli are biologically related?" I nodded. "Well, sources have that Lex wants to propose to Alli."
"And you want me to sneak my way into the mansion and get the inside scoop," I sighed. "Sure, why not? I'm always up for a little mission impossible." I got to the Luthor Mansion and made myself invisible. I was the ultimate fly on the wall. I did hear Lex tell his security that he was proposing to Alli. I left the mansion and went back to the farm. "Clark."
"What did you find?" Clark asked.
"Well, he's going to ask Alli to marry him two weeks after they get back from Sweden," I sighed. "How are your parents going to deal with this?"
"I guess they're just going to have to accept her decision," Clark sighed. "Just like they did with her changing her name."
"Well, marrying Lex is a different level than changing her name," I nodded. "She went from Allison Kent to Allison Queen-Kent and now maybe Allison Luthor if she says yes."
"I don't know," Clark sighed. "With Alli on the inside it gives us leverage but..."
"Your secret can be exposed in the process," I nodded.
"Not only mine but Alli's too," Clark nodded. I was somewhat confused. "I'll explain to you later."
"Clark, you can't stop Alli from being with who she wants to be with," I replied. "She'll tell you that too. I know her just as well as you do and you know she isn't going to listen."
"It's worth a shot," Clark replied as he left.
"Clark," I called after him but I knew it was no use. I called Oliver Queen. "Pick up."
"Oliver," he picked up.
"Clark's on his way to your place to talk to Alli about the Luthor wedding she might have with Lex," I sighed. " Yes, I know about the wedding and I don't agree with Clark."
"That's just great," Oliver sighed. "I'm barely halfway to Metropolis right now. I'll never get there in time."
"Call Alli," I replied. "She'll listen to you."

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