Chap 6

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Alli's POV
I put on my red skater dress that has a red lace overlay with a small black belt, a black hat, and black high tops. I grabbed my clutch and walked out of the room. "When were you going to tell me about your little green leather fetish as Green Arrow?" I whispered to Oliver.
"Well, with the way your acting, probably never," Oliver replied.
"Wow," I sighed. We got into his car and he started driving. "You do know you have to take me home so I can pack my clothes?"
"Yes, I do know that," Oliver replied. "You're going to be the little annoying sister I've always dreamed of having, aren't you?"
"Sarcasm noted and no," I smiled. "Trust me, I just like messing with you but I can be completely mature if you need me to be."
"You're going to have to if you want to be co-CEO of Queen Industries," Oliver nodded as he parked in front of my home at the Kent Farm. "I'm going to need my little sister in on this with me."
"Of course you are," I nodded. We walked inside. "Hi Mom. Dad." We hugged. "Dad, can you please trust me on this?"
"Allison, I'm not happy with your decision but at least remember where you were raised," Dad nodded.
"I may have been born a Queen but I'll always be a Kent, Dad," I smiled. "I gotta go and pack now. I don't think we want to get to Metropolis when it's late."
"Take the time you need," Oliver smiled.
"Thanks," I replied. "But this girl will need her sleep." I ran up to my room and closed the door. I packed all my clothes in one suitcase within an hour and walked back downstairs with it. "I'm ready to go now."
"Alright," Oliver smiled. "Let's go." We took the two hour drive to Metropolis. We got to the clock tower. "We're home."
"Feels weird to call it that but okay," I nodded. Oliver grabbed my suitcase and I follows him up to the suite. "Wow, that's a view."
"You should see the view from your bedroom," Oliver responded. I looked at him. "Seriously, I mean it. Come on." I followed Oliver up the stairs and to the first room on the right. I saw the balcony and the view. "What do you think?"
"I think I absolutely feel at home," I smiled.
"Check out the bathroom," Oliver smiled as he put my suitcase near the closet.
I walked into the bathroom. "Wow," I sighed. "This is just all new to me." I walked back into the bedroom and Oliver was standing near the bed. "This is just amazing, Ollie. I don't know how you did it but you definitely made my birthday memorable." I saw a small zebra pattern box on the foot of the bed. "What's that?"
Oliver picked it up. "This is a birthday gift I thought would be perfect for you," Oliver sighed. "I think Mom would've wanted you to have it." I looked at Oliver. "I think she wanted me to find you sooner but now is better than never."
"That's right," I nodded. I opened the box to reveal a green heart locket. "I think I know where you got your favorite color from."
Oliver smiled and nodded. "It's a locket," Oliver smiled. I handed the necklace to him and he put it around my neck. "You look just like Mom when she wore the locket." I smiled and I opened the locket. "It's a picture of Mom and Dad when he first gave it to her. Now you'll always have them with you wherever you go."
"Are you sure Mom or Dad didn't leave a card or something?" I asked.
"As a Queen, we were big on gifts so the gifts will eventually turn up one by one," Oliver nodded. "Here's the card that came with the necklace and since you never seen her, she probably left a picture in there." He handed me an envelope. "You get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."
"I will," I smiled. Oliver left, closing the door behind him. I opened the envelope to read the letter. "Let's see what my mother from the Queen side had to say."
My Dearest Allison,
I never wanted to give you up but if the Luthors had figured you were a Queen, they'll probably use you as a bargaining chip towards your father and I. We couldn't have that. By the time you read this, your brother had already found you and we are no longer there with you.
I would have given anything to see my baby girl grow up. I do realize you were given to Metropolis United Charities and the charity was founded by Lionel Luthor. The only reason why they didn't connect the dots, we hired someone to take your baby basket to the door and knocked.
Oh my sweet, sweet Allison. I would give anything just to see you once and see the grown woman you've become. I love you so much and I miss you, Allison. Since I can't be there, you have this locket to remember me by. Your father and I are thinking about you every second of every day since we gave you away. We didn't have a choice. I hope you've been well Allison.
We Love You,
~Mom & Dad
"I love and miss you too," I sighed as I wiped a tear that escaped. I got a picture out of the envelope. It was a picture of me in a light pink dress that I wore to Niki's sweet sixteen. With a man and a woman standing behind me and me standing in front of them, in the middle. The man had his left hand on my left shoulder and the woman had her right hand on my right shoulder. "Wait a minute."

Oliver's POV
I just about got done putting on my Green Arrow gear as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "I thought I told you to get some sleep," I sighed as I turned around. I saw the anger on her face and the sadness in her eyes. "Uh oh. What happened?"
"You told me Mr. and Mrs. Queen, Dad and Mom, had died when you were young," Allison sternly stated.
"Because that's what I was told and that is why I had no permanent home," I nodded. "Alli, I told you everything that's true. Why are you angry that I'm just telling you facts?"
"Because they're lies," she replied and put a picture on my table. "I met Mom and Dad at my friend's sweet sixteen and didn't even know it."
I picked up the picture and Alli was right. It was Mom and Dad. "Why would they lie to me?" I asked. "I'll have Chloe track where they are. You get some sleep and we'll figure things out tomorrow."
"Find them," Alli demanded. "Because I need answers and I plan on getting them."
Alli went to her room. "You can tell she's a Queen," I nodded. I got out my phone and called Clark. "Hey Clark, I need to see you bright and early tomorrow morning if possible."
"What time?" Clark asked.
"Seven-ish and don't be late," I added. "Because you aren't really known to be on time." I looked toward the stairs. "For a guy who's faster than a speeding bullet you can be pretty slow at times."
"Why don't I just come see you now?" Clark asked.
"No, I actually have some business to take care of so tomorrow morning," I replied. I hung up and I dialed a different number. "Pick up, dammit."
"Hello," said a sweet female voice.
I replied, "Hi Mom. It's Oliver."

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