Chap 4

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Alli's POV
The night of my party came by faster than I thought. We were having my party at the Luthor Mansion. Niki, Brooke, and I were in a room getting our last touches of our makeup done. "I'm done," I smiled. I was in a mint green dress, Niki in a royal blue, and Brooke in orange. "Let's make an entrance."
"All eyes will be on you," Niki smiled as she looked at me. "Until you gotta change for the second half of your party."
"Yeah," I nodded as I looked at the dress that was hanging from the mirror. "I have to change into it. I mean, Mom bought it for me and she said to wear the one Lex bought me for the first half." I looked at my girls. "Even though, deep inside, I want to wear the one that Mom got me for the whole party but she won't let me."
"Let's get this party started," Niki smiled. Niki, Brooke, and I joined the party but they got pulled away by their boyfriend. "I'll be fine alone," I said, knowing they won't be able to hear me. "Alright, then." Mom walked up to me and hugged me. "Mom, thank you."
"You're welcome, sweetie," Mom smiled.
"Martha," Dad called.
"You have fun," Mom smiled.
"I will," I nodded and she walked away. Lex walked up to me. "Hi."
"Are you enjoying your party?" Lex asked.
"I think a night on the couch with pizza and my friends would have been better," I said as I smiled at Lex. "Although, having my party here let me step through the front door of the infamous Luthor Mansion."
"You're welcome here anytime," Lex smiled.
"Thanks," I nodded. Oliver walked up to us. "Hi Ollie."
"I'll talk to you later," Lex replied as he left.
"I get the feeling that you two don't get along," I replied. Oliver dropped his head. "I get it. Everyone has a past and I'm not asking you to share." I smiled. "So, what does Oliver Queen have for the birthday girl?"
"Well, there's one thing," Oliver nodded. "I don't know how you're going to feel about it when I tell you."
"The billionaire CEO of Queen Industries has a huge secret that he needs to tell a small town girl?" I asked. "That's gotta be a new one." I looked at Oliver. "Just tell me. I'm sure that whatever it is, I can handle it."
"Well, maybe this is a nice start," Oliver sighed as he gotna small rectangular box from his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and it was a key. "It's a key to the pent house under the clock tower."
"It sounds like you want to be more than friends," I said raising a brow.
"That's not the road I was referring to," Oliver nodded. "But you're welcome to move in anytime. I'm always going to be there for my sister."
"Ha ha. Okay," I nodded and smiled. I thought about what Oliver said. "Wait, sister?" I looked at him. "I'm sure I'm not your sister."
"Ever wonder why we have the same eyes, nose, and hair color?" Oliver asked. I nodded no because I never really thought about it. "Well, I found your real birth certificate and we have the same parents." I smiled. "Are you happy we're related?"
"At least I know I have family," I smiled. "Well, a brother who is the sole CEO billionaire of Queen Industries."
"Well, the company is now yours too," Oliver nodded. "I had your name put on the papers."
"Oliver, I don't know if I want to run a business," I replied. "It's not who I am and I don't think I need the money. I'm going to make a living on my own."
"May I have your attention please?" Clark asked, holding a mic on the stage that was set up at the front of the room. "First, happy eighteenth to my sister, Allison Kent." I smiled. "And I would like you to put your hands together for her and bring her up here for her first performance of the night."
"I'll be back," I smiled as I handed the box back to Oliver. I got onstage and Clark handed the mic to me and got off. "Good evening everyone. I hope you enjoy this first performance of the night. This song is This I Swear by Nick Lachey and it's the short version."
"Who's this song dedicated to?" Clark asked.
"The person I chose to share the rest of my life with," I smiled. "Whoever that may be."
"You got this," Brooke smiled.
I smiled as the song started. "You're there by my side in every way. I know that you will not forsake me," I sang. "I give you my life, would not think twice. Your love is all I need, believe me. I may not say it quite as much as I should." I thought I saw someone familiar hoping it was not my eyes playing tricks on me. I smiled. "But when I say I love you darling, that means for good. So open up your heart and let me in." Clark held his thumbs up for me. "And I will love you, till forever. Until death do us part we'll be together. So, take my hand, and hold on tight, We'll get there. This I swear."
I smiled as the song faded out. Everyone clapped. "Woo!" Niki exclaimed.
"Thank you everyone," I smiled. I put the mic on the stand and walked to Oliver. "Since you are my brother, I am going to accept sleeping at your place." I looked at Oliver. "If you can convince my parents that you're taking me back to Metropolis with you tonight."
"Well, all you need to pack is your clothes," Oliver nodded. "I already have a room set up."
"Well, aren't you thoughtful," I smiled. "Seems like you knew I was going to say yes."

Lex's POV
I caught on the end of Alexis' sentence. "Yes, to what?" I asked.
"Well, I'm going to go and stay with Oliver in Metropolis for the rest of the week," Alli nodded. "I understand we take off Friday afternoon for Sweden."
"That's right," I nodded. "Also, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Yeah," Alli smiled. She followed me to the hallway and closed the door behind her. "Lex, what's going on?"
"I don't want you talking to Oliver Queen," I replied.
"I am capable of knowing who I want or don't want in my life," Alli replied. "I don't need to pass all my friends by you."
"No, but Oliver Queen is not good," I nodded. "Trust me on this."
"I'm not going to cut Oliver Queen out of my life," Alli argued. "I have my reasons."
"And what reasons would that be?" I asked.
"He's my brother," Alli replied, with watery eyes. "I'm not going to cut family out of my life." I sighed. "And don't worry, I'm nowhere near involved with Queen Industries."
"Alli," I let out. She nodded and went back to her part. I took a few minutes to calm down. I went back to the party to find Clark. "Hey Clark."
"Yeah?" Clark asked as he turned to look at me.
"Alli just told me something and I was wondering if you knew?" I asked.
"That kinda depends what she told you," Clark replied. "What exactly did she tell you?"
"Oliver is her brother," I responded. "By brother did she mean he's like a brother or he is?"
"Allison and Oliver aren't related," Clark sighed. "You have nothing to worry about."
"This is great," I groaned but I felt as if Clark was lying.
"All I know is that Alli and Oliver are going to be in Metropolis tomorrow to hang out and have fun as friends," Clark nodded. "She just decided this with Oliver a few minutes ago. She said and I quote, I might be friends with a Queen, but I'll always be a Kent." I looked at Clark. "She's a Kent at heart even though she hangs with a Queen."
"And you're okay with her going with him?" I asked. Clark nodded. "What about your parents?"
"She's talking with them," Clark smiled. "She's old enough to make her own decisions Lex. Just let it happen."
"Except this Sweden trip could ruin everything," I replied. "What if she changes her mind about me taking her? What if she wants Oliver to take her?"
"Dispite your differences between you and Oliver, she wouldn't change her plans," Clark assured. "Trust me. I've lived with her for six years. I know Allison."
"Thanks for the reassurance," I sighed. "I just want her to have a great time even tho I'm about to sabotage her trip."
"Honestly, I don't want Alli going that far either," Niki replied walking up to us. "She's my other half."
"Just like everyone else," I nodded. "Of course."

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