Chap 3

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Alli's POV
I woke up at ten Saturday morning and got dressed. Niki, Brooke, and Clark were also dressed. "I see everyone is up and ready to go," I nodded.
"Is Lex picking us up?" Clark asked.
"He's picking me up," I nodded. "I don't know how you guys are going to get around."
"I brought the truck early this morning," Clark smiled. "And Mom wanted me to give you this." Clark handed me a manilla envelope. "What is it?"
I looked at it and the stamp said Jönköping School of the Arts. "It's a school," I smiled. "Performing arts school in Jönköping." I sighed as my smile faded. "Thing is I shouldn't leave."
"Alli, you love performing arts," Niki smiled. "It's what you've wanted to do other than criminal justice."
"You don't know where the school is," I replied. There was a knock on the door. I opened it and Lex walked in. "Hey."
"Are you ready?" Lex asked.
"Just let me talk to them really quickly," I nodded. "I can't go."
"Alli, we will travel to any state to see you," Clark smiled. "Where is Jönköping?"
"Sweden..." Everyone was quiet. "You asked and I answered."
"You applied for a school in Sweden?" Clark asked.
"The only reason I didn't tell you was because I knew you would be able to talk me out of it," I replied. "As much as I love you and Mom and Dad, I need to find a voice for myself. I can't stay here and wait." I looked at Clark. "That's why I didn't tell you I applied. Can we just please get off this subject and go dress shopping?"
"Yeah," Brooke nodded.
I got into Lex's Porsche with him and he started driving. Clark was following behind. "I'm really scared about what I'm about to read," I sighed looking at the envelope. "I don't have what it takes to make it in Sweden."
"What does the letter say?" Lex asked.
"I'm afraid to find out," I nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the envelope. I started to read out loud, "Allison Kent, we are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted into Jönköping School of the Arts. Orientation is in three weeks. We understand this is a week after your eighteenth birthday so you won't have to deal with a guardian on your way here. Please let us know who you're going to be with in the e-mail that you can send to the address below. Your mentor at the school is Adam and he will be at the airport with a sign and your name on it. Thank you and hope to see you soon." I looked at Lex. "Wow. I don't even have enough money for a plane ticket."
"You can take a LuthorCorp jet," Lex smiled. "I'll go with you."
"I have to talk to my parents about this first," I nodded. "But that'll be great if you can." We got to the dress store and walked inside. "Wow."
"Mr. Luthor, it's not very often to find you in here," said the lady.
"Rebecca, we are shopping for an occasion," Lex replied. "Allison, she's having an eighteenth birthday bash and we're in here shopping for her and her friends."
"Is there a particular style you're looking for?" Rebecca asked.
"Short," I smiled.
"Long," Clark replied at the same time.
I looked at Clark. "This is my party big brother," I added. We tried on so many dresses that I lost count. The last one I tried on was a mint green dress. Brooke and Niki already had theirs picked out. "If this isn't the dress, I'm going to scream." I looked at myself in the mirror. "Wow." I turned around and looked at Clark and Lex. "Clark?"
"You look beautiful," Clark nodded. "Just like every other dress you tried on." I looked at Clark. "Except this color brings out the green in your hazel eyes." I smiled. "I like the dress on you."
"The mint green it is," I nodded. I changed. Lex paid for the dresses and we went back to the suite. "I honestly think we should get back to Smallville." I looked at Clark. "I have to talk to Mom and Dad about Sweden." We took the two hour drive home. We dropped Brooke and Niki off at their place before we got home. I walked in through the kitchen door with my dress, bag, and envelope. "Mom? Dad?"
"Sweetheart, we weren't expecting you back till Monday," Mom smiled as she walked down the stairs with Dad. We hugged. "Well, I'm home and I need to talk about something." I put my dress and bag down on the couch. Clark sat down. "Well, the thing is, the envelope is an acceptance letter telling me I got accepted into an arts school."
"Then, we say go for it," Dad nodded. "It's your future."
"It's not that easy," I sighed. "See, the thing is...I...This is going to be a lot harder than I thought."
"The school is in Sweden," Clark stated for me.
"Sweden?" Dad asked. "As in the other side of the world Sweden?" I nodded. "Allison, you know we aren't financially stabled for that big of a change."
"I know but I have a friend who is willing to lend me a hand," I nodded. "He said he'll pay for everything."
"This friend of yours would happen to be Lex Luthor, would it?" Dad asked. I sighed. "Allison, you can't trust him."
"Why? Because he's a Luthor?" I asked. "Dad, he's nothing like Lionel. If you give him a chance, maybe you would see him the way I do."
"He is letting us at the mansion," Mom sighed. "Maybe we can reason with him on this."
"Martha," Dad strictly stated.
"Dad, maybe you don't know this but he's been nothing but generous," I shot back. "You should give him a chance. He even bought me a dress for my birthday."

Lex's POV
"Hope I'm not interrupting something," I said through the screen door.
"Lex, we didn't hear you pull in," Mrs. Kent replied. "Please, come in."
"I heard someone got accepted into a Swedish arts school," I smiled at Alli as I walked in. "Maybe I can be of some help."
"Yeah, well, keep your wings clipped because it's not happening," Alli replied. "Just forget that I ever asked."
"Allison," Mr. Kent stated as Alli went up to her room and slammed the door.
"I'll go talk to her," Clark sighed as he made his way up the stairs.
"Look, I don't appreciate you weaseling your way into our daughter's future," Mr. Kent pointed at me. "I don't care about the money you have."
"Mr. Kent, I'm letting you use the mansion for your daughter's birthday," I replied. "At least let me give it to her as a birthday gift."
"It's a huge gift," Mrs. Kent nodded. "I don't know if Allison can take it."
"I promise to be by her side every second while in Sweden," I nodded. "We'll take the LuthorCorp jet. Her orientation is a week after her birthday." I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Kent. "If you don't want her at that school, just say the word."
"Can you do that?" Mrs. Kent asked.
"I'll make sure to make it the worst school orientation I can possibly make it," Lex nodded. "That way she'll turn her attention back to MetU."
"Alright," Mr. Kent sighed. "Allison, let us talk to you for a minute." Alli walked down the stairs with her arms crossed and Clark following her. "You can go to Sweden, but under one condition. If you don't like it there, you have to go to MetU."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," Alli smiled as she hugged her dad. "I really wanna see what it's like."
"Just think of MetU as well," Mrs. Kent nodded. This was a way for me to gain The Kents trust so that they'll like me rather than hate me for my father's actions. "We just want what's best for you."
"I know Mom," Alli nodded. "But I have to expand my horizons and I did." She sighed. "By applying to Sweden."
"Did you ever think of our financial problem?" Mr. Kent asked.
"I did and I'm tired of counting every penny," Alli sighed. "I even signed up for financial aid."
"You got accepted, right?" Mom asked.
"For five thousand for the whole year," Alli nodded. "Which probably won't be enough for it."
"I'll take care of the all expenses, Mr. and Mrs. Kent," I nodded. "You know how I am with security."
"I've lived through the weird and bizzare for five, almost six years," Alli replied. "I think I can spend a week in Sweden without over the top security."
"Are you sure?" Clark asked. Alli looked at him. "Hey, its a whole new environment."
"She'll adapt also," I nodded. "She'll get used to it."

Clark's POV
"Alli, are you sure you're going to be fine in Sweden?" I asked. Alli nodded. "Just wanting to be sure."
"Knock, knock," said a familiar make voice.
"Oliver," I nodded. "Come in."
"Well, I'm going to go and see if I can learn the Swedish language in two weeks," Alli smiled. "I'll probably need it considering English is my only language."
"Okay," I nodded as Alli went upstairs. "What's up, Oliver?"
"I have to go," Lex nodded. He turned around and looked at Oliver. "Nice seeing you again."
"Hello to you to, Lex," Oliver exhaled. Lex left. "So, I know you wanted Allison to find her biological parents but we have a problem."
"It can't be any worst than my parents sending me away to be the sole survivor of Krypton," I joked. I looked at Oliver. "She isn't from a different planet, is she?"
"No, no. She's human, born here in America," Oliver nodded. "But you should take a look at the birth certificate yourself."
"Okay," I replied as I grabbed the certificate. Mom and Dad looked at it with me. "You're kidding, right?"
"No, I'm not," Oliver nodded.
"There has to be some mistake," Dad nodded. "Allison has been part of the family for six years and then you show up with this."
"I wish I was lying," Oliver nodded. "I wasn't prepared for this."
"Oliver, are you going to own up to this?" I asked.
"I'm not ready," Oliver nodded.
"Oliver, knowing Allison is your biological sister has got to be relieving," Mom responded, trying to shine some light onto this situation. "At least she had family. Why don't you go up there and tell her?"
"I'm not ready to drop such a huge bomb on her just yet," Oliver nodded. "But I do want her to live with me."
"Listen here, Mr. Queen. I don't care of you're the CEO of a billion dollar company," Dad replied. "Allison is worthy of choosing her own path and destiny." I looked at Dad. "She's carried her own weight these past few years without the money handed down from your parents."
"I only want to be a brother for Allison," Oliver nodded. "She actually had a family to grow up with. Me, on the other hand, jumped from continent to continent trying to find a place in the world." I looked at Oliver. "I'm just glad you guys are the ones to have adopted her but I want to be part of her life now that I know we share the same blood line."
"Just ease it into her," I nodded.
"Clark, that's Allison's decision to make," Dad nodded.
"She has a right to know she has a brother," I added.
"Look, you cannot just come here and take Allison away from us. She is our daughter and we love her," Dad responded. "Let's just keep it low until her birthday. That should be enough time."
"Allison is a Queen," I nodded. "This ought to be good."

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