Chap 9

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Oliver's POV
"And Clark wants to see us at the farm," I said as I looked at my phone. "He just texted me."
"I could get there faster than you," Alli said as she grabbed her phone.
"Wanna take me on the ride with you?" I asked.
"Fine," Alli groaned.
"Hey, you can lift anything," I replied. "I'm just a human being." Alli smiled. She put her hand on my shoulder and before I knew it we were in the loft on the Kent Farm with Clark and another girl. "Who's this?"
"This is Kara, my cousin," Clark smiled.
"It's so nice to know Clark and I aren't the only ones from Krypton," Kara smiled.
"Oh, you think she's from Krypton?" I asked. "You see, it's a funny story."
"I'm a human and when Dr. Emil transfered some of his blood to me, I gained his powers and his weakness," Alli replied. "I'm not from Krypton."
"But your Clark's sister," Kara responded.
"Yes by adoption," Alli nodded. "Nothing makes Clark and I related in anyway other than the adoption." I looked at Alli. "But it is good to know that Clark does have family from Krypton that's here with him."
"You're my family too," Clark nudged Alli.
"Maybe but not in a way I'll ever be," Alli smiled back.
"Clark," Mrs. Kent called. Mr. and Mrs. Kent joined us. "Oliver, Allison."
"Hey Mom, Dad," Alli said hugging them. I shook Mr. Kent's hand and hugged Mrs. Kent. "So, what do you wanna hear first?"
"How was Sweden and the school?" asked Mrs. Kent.
"Sweden was amazing and the school changed their mind on me," Alli sighed. "Since I'm not going there, I'm going to stay in Metropolis with Ollie and go to MetU."
"What else happened in Sweden?" Clark asked.
"You're forgetting one big detail," I crossed my arms and looked at Alli.
"What are you not telling us?" Mr. Kent asked. Alli looked at the ground. "Allison Kent, answer me right now. What are you not telling us?"
"That I have Clark's powers?" Alli questioned.
"How did that happen?" Mrs. Kent asked. "Was it lightening and kryptonite?"
"Mom, if that was the case, I wouldn't have powers right now," Alli replied.
"The way Alli has powers is done by Dr. Emil Jenkins, and its irreversible," I replied. "He made sure of that."
"Were we even going to discuss this?" Mr. Kent asked.
"Dad, whenever you say discuss it always ends up with you talking and me listening," Allison stood her ground. "I made this decision on my own and I'll deal with the consequences. I can't always be your little girl."
"That wasn't even the big detail I was talking about," I sighed. "But if he's mad about this, he'll be even more furious about the other thing."
"What other thing?" Mr. Kent asked, a little more stern this time.
"Allison, they have to know," I looked at her. "I may be your biological brother but they're the family that raised you." Allison looked at me. "You've never been taught to lie or keep things from them so tell them."
"I'm engaged to Lex Luthor," Allison said just loud enough for us to hear. "That's the big secret."
"You're what?" Mr. Kent's voice boomed through my ears. "You're engaged to Lex Luthor?"
"Jonathan, there has to be an explanation for this," Mrs. Kent played peace maker. "Alli, honey, why didn't you come to us with this?"
"Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm I  control of my life?" Alli asked. "You never trust me with that I do. My last boyfriend got himself  killed. Maybe if you never adopted me, you'll save yourself all this pain."
With that Alli was gone within the blink of an eye. "I gotta catch a ride home somehow," I sighed.
"Did you know about this?" Mr. Kent asked.
"I just found out this morning when I picked her up from the airport," I nodded. "I knew she would eventually tell you but this isn't how she planned to tell you."
"What all did she tell you?" Clark asked.
"She loves Lex but she's finding out why Lex asked her," I sighed. "As we all know, Lex has a motive for everything. Anyone want to take me back to Metropolis so that I can find Alli before she does something she'll regret or kills herself."
"She'll succeed at killing herself because she knows her weakness," Mrs. Kent sighed. "I almost lost you Clark, I can't lose Allison either."
"I'll talk to her," Clark replied.
"No, Clark," I stopped him. "Every Kryptonian in the room will go down if there is kryptonite."
"Let me talk to her," Kara replied.
"No offense, but what could you do?" I asked.
"You're guys whereas I'm a girl," Kara smiled. "Maybe she'll open up to me."
"You can try," I shrugged. "It's the penthouse right under the clock tower." Kara flew out of the loft. "Your cousin could fly?"
"Don't let this shock you but yeah," Clark sighed. "I'm still trying to learn that skill."
"You need to hurry up and grow those wings," I nodded.
"Martha, what are we going to do?" Mr. Kent asked. "With her marrying Lex, he's just that much closer."
"Who's marrying Lex?" Brooke asked as she showed up with AC and Niki.
"I'm guessing he already asked?" Niki assumed.
"Yeah, he did," Clark sighed. "When they were in Sweden."
"Who's getting married to Lex?" Brooke asked again.
"Your best friend, Allison," I sighed.
"Alli Kent is getting married to Lex Luthor?" Brooke asked. "Not likely."
"She said yes and slapped a heart shaped diamond the size of Texas on her finger," I nodded. "I saw the ring myself." Kara returned. "What did Allison say?"
"Nothing because she's not at the penthouse," Kara replied. "I think she knew we would look there."
"I know where she might be," I nodded. "I'll go alone if Clark wants to take me to Watch Tower."

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