Chap 2

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Niki's POV
Clark walked back inside. "Did you really let your sister leave with Lex?" I asked.
"Lex is my friend and I know she won't let my secret out," Clark nodded. "I trust my sister. Just sometimes wish she had my abilities."
"You can't wish that upon her," I nodded. "Think about all the times she has saved you from the meteor rocks." Clark looked at me. "If she was exactly like you, neither one of you would be standing in front of us right now. You should be grateful to have a sister like Allison looking after you."
"You're right about that," Clark nodded as he sat down. "So what are we all planning to do today?"
"AC and I are going to the aquarium in town," Brooke smiled. "So, if you guys want to tag along, that'll be just fine."
"Or since Niki seems to be protective of my sister, we might go to Metropolis that way we will be closer to Alli," Clark stated as he looked at me. "It's what you want to do. What do you want to do Niki? Metropolis has the finest steakhouse there. We can go and have dinner there."
"And hang out with Alli for a few hours till then?" I asked. Clark nodded. To be honest, I didn't trust Alli with Lex. Sure, her intentions are good, but Lex Luthor had ruin a lot of lives. Like father, like son. "We should get going." Clark grabbed me and we got to Metropolis within the ten seconds. "You sure you don't want to call her?"
"Right," Clark nodded. "You wanna do that?"
I grabbed my phone and called Alli. "She needs to pick up the phone," I looked at Clark.
"Hello," Alli said as she picked up. I put her on speaker. "What's up?"
"Hey, we're in Metropolis," I replied. "Clark and I are. Where are you?"
"I'm at the LuthorCorp Plaza with Lex eating a pizza," Alli replied. "I assure you I'm fine, if this is one of Clark's over protective instincts."
"Well, we wanted to hang out with you," I sighed. "Just you, me, and Clark until my lunch date tonight."
"Well, Lex already has my day planned out for me but you guys should have fun," Alli responded. "I'll see you tonight at the room, okay?"
"Alright," I sighed. "See you later." I hung up. "So Lex has Alli's day mapped out for her."
"Look, today should just be about the two of us," Clark smiled. "Come on." He grabbed my hand and we started walking. I looked at the globe on the Daily Planet. "Do you plan on being a journalist?"
"That was Brooke's dream," I sighed. We kept walking. "What about you?" He smiled. "Clark Kent, investigative reporter. Has a nice ring to it."
"I don't know if being a reporter is me," Clark shrugged. "I'm always saving people."
"But you need a job to make money," I replied. "You can't be on that farm."

Clark's POV
"At least I know I can still make my money on the farm," I nodded.
"What about Alli?" Niki asked. "I honestly don't know how you're going to be when she decides to move out here."
"I know Alli," I sighed. "The big city life isn't her."
"You can't keep her trapped on the farm," Niki responded. "What if Alli decides she wants to be going to MetU? You gotta let your sister go." I looked at Niki as I sighed. "What do you wish Alli would want?"
"I know what Alli wants to be," I sighed. "She wants to be part of law enforcement. FBI to be exact."
"And I want to be a vet," Niki nodded. "Look, let's be honest. You're going to miss your sister." I smiled. "That is exactly what I thought."
"Alli can take care of herself," I responded. We kept walking. We ate at a couple places for lunch and snacking. Then we went to the best steakhouse in Metropolis that I promised Niki. We sat down. "Order anything you want. It's on me."
"Clark," Alli smiled walking in with Lex. "I didn't think you'd be here."
"I didbt think you'd be here," I replied. "What are you doing here and why are you wearing an expensive dress?"
"Lex bought it for me as a gift for tonight. Said I had to dress to impress for tonight," Alli nodded. Lex walked up to us. "Hey Lex. I was just telling Clark why you bought me the dress."
"Well, I figured Alli's first night back in Metropolis should be special," Lex nodded. "She'll be fine with me. Don't worry Clark." Alli smiled. "Is Clark coming with us tomorrow?"
"Where?" I asked.
"Lex is taking me to go find a dress for my eighteenth party and he's willing to pay for Niki and Brooke if they are still in town," Alli nodded. "Either way, it's to have a good time in Metropolis."
"You know you have to talk to Mom about that, right?" I asked. Alli nodded. "Yeah, because you know how Dad is."
"I'll talk to Mrs. Kent and if I can't, I'll just get it for her as a gift," Lex nodded.
"That's pretty generous, Lex," Niki nodded.
"You two have a nice dinner," Lex replied.
"Thank you," I said as they went to their table. "Is it me or ---"
"You've got that feeling too that Lex is hitting on Alli?" Niki cut me off. "I think that's what you're thinking."
"That's definitely what I'm thinking," I sighed. "Lex has ruined lives and I don't want Alli to be another."
"Alli's smart," Niki smiled.
"I know but she's almost legal and I am only her protective brother for another two weeks," I sighed. "If she needs me, she'll call. She's known to be strong but there's so much more crime in the big city. Sometimes I wonder about her." I looked over at Alli. "I hope she knows before its too late."

Brooke's POV
We went to the aquarium. "So, what exactly are we doing?" I asked. AC seemed to have been talking to the dolphins. "Hey, remember me? You're girlfriend?"
"Yeah," AC nodded as he put his arm around me.
"Well, can you please stop talking to the dolphins for a moment?" I asked. AC looked at me. "Look, I know you love the dolphins and the marine life but breaking them out of here is only going to cause jail time."
"Now, you know I can never leave you," AC smiled.
"Yeah, I know," I smiled. My phone started ringing and I looked at it. "It's Alli."
"Go ahead and pick up," AC nodded. "She's your best friend."
"Alright," I nodded. I picked up. "Hey Alli."
"Hey Brookie," Alli replied. I can feel her smile through the phone. "I have a question to ask you."
"Let's see if I have an answer," I smiled as I followed AC around. "What is it?"
"Well, as we know, I am having that eighteenth party, no ifs, ands, or buts. I was wondering if you'll like to go dress shopping with Niki and I tomorrow?" Alli asked. "Clark and Lex is going. You can bring AC." I looked at him. "Lex is being generous and he's willing to pay for all three of our dresses."
"As much as I want to go with you, I don't have a place to stay tonight," I replied. "AC is going to Miami to help with the marine life there for the weekend."
"You can stay at the suite with Clark, Niki, and I," Alli offered. "Please, Brooke? I know you need a dress and I want the three of us to look amazing."
"Alright, just text me the address and I'll meet you at the hotel later today," I smiled. I hung up. "No need to go back to Smallville. Alli is letting me stay at the suite with her."
"Okay," AC nodded. "That's perfectly fine."
"AC, are you sure?" I asked. "Because I know you."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded. "I have to go to Miami anyways so you need some girl time with Alli before she literally decides to stay here in Metropolis."
"Well, she has two weeks left in Smallville," Brooke nodded.
"Which also means you need to spend all the time that you can with her before she does move out here, Brooke," I sighed. "Alli, she's unpredictable, yes, but at least she know you spent the most time with her as you possibly could before she moves here. Don't think of it as a must but think ahead. She might stay in Smallvile, she might not."
"You're right, AC," Brooke nodded. "I should spend most of my time which her."
"Just in case she does move," I smiled. "Even if she doesn't, then at least you were prepared." Brooke nodded. It got late so I walked her to the hotel. "You have fun while I go save marine life."

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