Chap 10

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Alli's POV
I went to Watch Tower and Chloe agreed to help me on my gear. I walked out of the bathroom wearing a cheetah print skirt, cheetah print cat ears, cheetah print mask, and a long sleeve crop top shirt. "Chloe, what do you think of this?" I asked.
"It's cute," Chloe replied.
Oliver walked in and he looked at me. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"Looking for a costume for my secret identity," I replied. "What do you think?"
"Not really feeling it," Oliver nodded. "What's with all the cheetah?"
"It's the fastest animal in the world," I replied. "If I go with the cheetah, I'll be known as Cheetah Spirit."
"Not feeling the name, either," Oliver nodded. "What's your next outfit?"
"I'll be back," I sighed. I walked into the bathroom and changed into black cat ears and a black mask. I also changed into black shorts, black mini skirt, black spaghetti strap tank, black combat boots, and a black leather short sleeve jacket and zipped it halfway up. I also had on black leather gloves that stopped halfway up my lower arm with the fingers cut off. I walked back out. "This is the other one."
"What is it with you and the cat ears?" Oliver asked. He walked up to me and took the cat ears off. "That looks great! I especially love the arm band gloves." He looked at them. "Did you cut the fingers off of those?"
"I wanted my fingers and thumbs exposed," I nodded. "So, what do you think?"
"I love it," Chloe smiled. "What do you plan on calling yourself?"
"Well, I was supposed to be Raven Cheetah but Ollie took the ears from me," I sighed. "I'm not sure. What should I be called, Ollie?"
"How about Raven Stealth?" Oliver asked. "Or the Raven Wind?"
"And we can call you Raven for short," Chloe smiled.
"Then, the Raven Wind I am," I smiled.
"Welcome to the team," Chloe smiled. "I'm Watch Tower."
"I know," I smiled.
"I guess a quick change can be added to the equation as well," Chloe smiled. I changed in the blink of an eye. "I take that as a yes."
"You do realize that if you marry Lex, you can't do this every night, right?" Oliver reminded me.
"Yes, but any LuthorCorp detail that you need, I'll have access to," I sighed. "I hate he's experimenting on people with meteor powers. Now that I'm one of those, I have to be careful with what Lex keeps around the mansion." I looked at Chloe. "No matter what type of meteor rock it is."
"You're the one marrying Lex Luthor?" Chloe asked. "I thought you were smarter than that."
"Chloe, I'm only doing this because I'm the only one he will trust," I replied. "Plus, I think I love him."
"You love Lex?" Chloe replied. "Lex isn't capable of love, Alli."
"We are both adults," I nodded. "Don't worry about me. He can't hurt me." My phone rang and I picked up. "Hey Lex. I'm at the Daily Planet with Clark."
"I need to see you at LuthorCorp," Lex replied and hung up.
"I'll be back," I sighed as I put my phone in my pocket. I went to LuthorCorp and went to Lex's office. "Hey, Lex. What's going on?"
"That was fast," Lex said turning to look at me. "Especially for you."
"Well, us Kents are known to be quick," I nodded. "I was only next door."
"Anyways, I need to know what your allergic to," Lex looked at me. "Just so I know not to keep it around you."
"Meteor rock," I replied. Lex looked at me. "What?"
"You and Clark seem to have the same allergies," Lex replied. "Yet you're not related in any way but by adoption."
"I needed a blood transfusion, Clark offered to help his sister," I shrugged. "It's in the genes, I guess."
"How are you allergic to meteor rock?" Lex asked.
"Well, I literally hit the floor if a meteor rock is around and it literally hurts," I nodded. "The only way to have it around is to have it in a lead box."
"Okay," Lex nodded. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind."
"That is great," I smiled. "But we still have to pick out a wedding date."
"Six months?" Lex asked.
"Six months," I nodded. "I can do this, I guess."
"Rehearsal dinner a week before the exact date," Lex smiled.
"A December wedding," I nodded. "Okay, that works for me." I looked at Lex. "I have one thing to ask."
"Anything, it's yours," Lex smiled.
"Can I go to Paris with Mom, Niki, and Brooke to go look for a wedding dress in November?" I asked. "Metropolis doesn't really sell winter wedding dresses so I thought maybe Paris might."
"Alli, you can have any designer brought here to design your dress," Lex replied.
"I wanna go out of the country for this particular themed wedding dress," I sighed. "Please Lex. I'm only getting married once."
"Alright," Lex nodded. "I'll arrange a jet for you in three months."
"End of September, beginning of October would be great," I smiled. "That way it doesn't get in the way of October Fest."
"Alright," Lex nodded. "That's perfectly fine."
My phone rang. "Hey Chloe," I smiled picked up. "What's up?"
"Oliver's emotional right now. Can you help?" Chloe asked. I looked at Lex. "Alli, you have to get to Watch Tower now. It's urgent."
"I'm on my way," I replied as I hung up. "I have to go Lex." I walked out of LuthorCorp. As soon as I was clear, I blurred over to Watch Tower. "What's so urgent you needed me over here at this second?"

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