Chap 5

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Clark's POV
"Just don't think so much about it right," I smiled. The lights went out and some music played. A spotlight shown on the top of the staircase and a few seconds later, Alli walked into the spotlight in a gold dress. "I think Allison had found her inner princess."
"She's always looked beautiful," Niki smiled. "You're mom did a good job picking out the right dress." Alli smiled. "She looks great in gold."
Alli held up a gold bedazzled microphone to her mouth. "I didn't know she was singing," I smiled.
"I set out on a narrow way many years ago. Hoping I would find true love along the broken road," Alli sang as she descended the stairs. "But I got lost a time or two. Wiped my brow and kept pushing through. I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you." She walked over to Mom and Dad. "And every long lost dream led me to where you are." I walked over and we had a family hug. "Others who broke my heart they were like Northern Stars pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true. That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you."
Alli smiled at everyone around her. "We love you, sweetheart," Mom smiled.
Alli was about to sing but someone else started to. "I think about the years I spent just passing through," sang the voice. A walkway was made to reveal whoever was singing on the stage. "I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you."
"Oh my gosh," Allison whispered. "It's Blake..."
"But you just smile and take my hand," the guy who Alli knows as Blake sang. He held out his hand and she grabbed his hand. "You've been there you understand. It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true."
They both got onstage. "Every long lost dream led me to where you are," Alli and Blake sang. "Others who broke my heart they were like Northern Stars pointing me on my way into your loving arms." Blake put his right arm around her as she put her left arm around him. "This much I know is true. That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you."
"Who is the six foot two guy that seems to make her happy?" Oliver asked.
"Why don't you ask Lex?" Mom asked. "He's the one who provided the entertainment."
"Now I'm just rolling home," Allison sang.
"Into my lover's arms," Blake sang as he hugged her.
"This much I know is true," they sang together. "That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you."
"That God blessed the broken road," Alli quietly closed. "That led me straight to you."
The song faded out and Alli and Blake hugged. "I think me and you need to have a talk with our sister," I nodded as I put my hand on Oliver's shoulder. I watched as Allison and Blake got off stage to talk. "Oliver?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm ready," Oliver replied, it's as if he read my mind. Oliver and I walked over to Allison. "That was a great performance."
"Thank you," Allison smiled as she hugged both Oliver and I. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Blake cleared his throat. "Oh, sorry. Blake, this is Clark Kent, my adopted brother, and this is Oliver Queen, my biological brother."
"You have an adopted and a biological brother?" Blake asked.
"It's hard to explain," Allison shrugged.
"She's been at Metropolis United Charities till she was twelve," I explained. "Adopted by my parents as Allison Kent that day. And today she found out her and Oliver have the same birth parents making her biologically related to Oliver."
"Tomorrow she is going to have her name changed to Allison Queen-Kent," Oliver smiled.
"Officially make me a Queen and add me to the bloodline," Alli smiled.
"How do you know each other?" I asked.
"I've known Blake a few months before Mom and Dad adopted me," Allison smiled at Blake. "I haven't seen him till now."
"Allison," Lex nodded.
"I'll be back," Allison sighed.
"Be careful," I replied. Alli let out an annoyed sigh and left. "I have to go but it was nice meeting you, Blake." I was walking around for thirty minutes until I received a call from Alli. I picked up. "Alli?"
"Clark, Lex is furious and he's chasing me in his car," Alli replied.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"I'm on Route 40 just before Lowell Bridge," Alli replied. "Ahhh!!!!"
I heard a crash and the line went dead. "Allison?!" I asked. "Allison?!" I ran out to the site and her car, flipped, and she was halfwaybout of her car bleeding. "Allison?" I asked. I kneeled down next to her. "Allison?" I touched her body and blood was all over my hands. "No. No!" Dad and Oliver showed up and pulled me away. "She's gone. She's gone."
"Clark, there was nothing you could do," Dad tried to calm me. "Nothing you could do."
"There is one thing," I sighed. I ran up to my Fortress. "Jor-El! Why'd you have to take her from me?"
"You have been told that since you've been revived, someone close to you would die," Jor-El's voice boomed through the Fortress. "There is one crystal that allows you to go back." A crystal was floating in the air. "But its a one-time chance."
"She deserves to live," I replied as I grabbed the crystal. I definitely want back in time. I was back at the party talking to Blake, Oliver, and Alli. "Huh?"
"Tomorrow she is going to have her name changed to Allison Queen-Kent," Oliver smiled.
"Officially make me a Queen and add me to the bloodline," Alli smiled.
"Dad isn't too happy about it," I nodded. "But you are not leaving Oliver's sights tonight." Alli sighed. "I mean it, Allison."

Oliver's POV
"Something you're not telling us, Clark?" I asked.
Allison looked at Clark. "Blake, excuse us for a moment," she replied. She pulled Clark and I into the hallway and closed the door. "Clark, what is going on?"
"Allison, tonight is the night you died," Clark replied.
"Allison, died?" I asked. "Are you sure?"
"You got into a really bad car wreck and you instantly died," Clark sighed. "Oliver and Dad pulled me away from your body so I went to Jor-El and he let me come back in time."
"What kind of deal did you make with your father?" Alli asked as she crossed her arms.
"Remember how I dead two years ago and Jor-El brought me back?" Clark replied. I nodded. "He warned me that someone close to me was going to be taken from me."
"Clark," Allison groaned as she dropped her arms.
"And I wasn't going to let that be you," Clark cut her off.
"Okay, what exactly escaladed the situation?" I asked.
"I think Allison got into an argument with Lex," Clark replied.
"Then we keep you away from Lex for the rest of the night or you take me and Clark with you if he wants to talk," I nodded. "Mostly me since I'll practically be your chauffeur for the night."
"Fine," Alli nodded as we rejoined the party. I followed Allison to Blake. "Sorry Blake but we have to deal with my big brother."
"Everything okay?" Blake asked.
"He's just staying close because he's taking me home at the end of the night," Allison smiled. "But he will be a fly on the wall."
"Alright," Blake nodded.
Hours passed and everyone left the mansion but The Kents, Allison, Niki, Brooke, AC, and I. "Well, I gotta get changed with the girls," Alli nodded. "And Clark." She hugged him. "Thank you for saving my life tonight."
"You're welcome," Clark smiled. "I'll see you and Oliver when you get home."
"That's the plan," Allison nodded.
I followed Allison up to her changing room and stood outside as she closed the door. "Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"
"It's better to be more than what we expect than not enough," I replied. "That's why I am so thorough."
"Yeah and not to mention that you took a night off from patrolling tonight," Allison replied.
"Who told you about that?" I asked.
"Do you really think Clark hide things from me?" she asked. "Because he tells me everything. I even know his secret."
"Well, you are his adopted sister so he didn't really have a choice," I replied. "But did he really have to tell you about our group?"
"Yes, and I also know AC is one of them," Allison stated. "Look, I haven't said anything to anyone and I plan to keep it that way."
"Good, because we don't want our arch nemesis knowing about our covert operations," I sighed. "It's bad enough Luthor is almost on our tail."

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