Chap 11

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Oliver's POV
"You have to listen to what she has to say," I sighed, sniffling. "It's not something you want to hear but its something you have to know."
"And that is?" Alli asked.
"Your parents, the Queens, just died in a plane crash," Chloe sighed. Each word she said gave her pain and anger with tears welding up in her eyes. "I checked the maintenance log and this is what I found." Chloe handed her the file as she wiped her tears. There were LuthorCorp employees on the log. "That's it. I'm suiting up and taking care of Lex myself." She slammed the files on the table. "I'm done."
"Alli, before you do something you regret, you're pointing fingers at the wrong Luthor," Chloe nodded. I looked at her. "Lionel Luthor sabotaged the plane and killed your parents. My guess now, its because of Veritas and Lionel Luthor is the last survivor to control the Traveler." I sighed. "If he can control Clark, then it will happen to you too."
"And I, personally, don't want an Alli-Bot running around," I replied standing up. I walked over to her and hugged her. I could hear her sniffles. "You're the only family I have left and I don't want you taken from me either."
"Ollie, you're not going to lose me," Alli nodded. "Not even if I get married to Lex Luthor and don't worry." She looked at me. "I'll take care of Lionel but I won't kill him."
"You don't need to get blood on your hands," I replied. "At least not like this."
"I'm not a killer, Oliver," Alli replied. "Just don't worry. I'll be okay." I looked at her. "I'm just going to have a little chit-chat with him."
"Okay," I nodded. "I'm trusting you on this."

Alli's POV
"Don't worry, big brother," I smiled. "I promise that no blood will be shed." Oliver walked out and my smile faded. "I'm going, Chloe."
"To what?" Chloe asked. When she finished her question, I was already in my Raven Wind gear. "Alli, you can't be serious?"
"I'm just going to scare him a little," I sighed. "Goodbye." I went to Lionel Luthor's office. He was facing out the window on the phone. "Hey Luthor." Lionel turned and looked at me. He hung up the phone. "You don't know me but I know you."
"Who are you?" Lionel asked. I ran up to him and grabbed him by his collar. "Are you looking for money? I can give it to you."
"You know that's not what I'm after," I nodded. "Who gave you the right to sabotage the Queens plane?"
"I don't know who ---"
"YOU MURDERED THEM!" I yelled at him. "They had a child and still cared for him."
Lionel looked at me. "Who are you?" Lionel asked.
"What? He didn't tell you?" I asked. "I'm the Green Arrow's sister."
"You must have been born with a lot of rage because the Green Arrow would never attack like this," Lionel replied. "Maybe we can talk about this. I'll talk to Oliver and his newly claimed sister, Allison."
"You stay away from them. I maybe dark but I can get worse," I replied. "You haven't seen the bad side of the Raven Wind."
"Mr. Luthor!" a guard yelled from the other side.
"Just stay away from the Queens," I replied. With that I went back to Watch Tower and changed. "It's done."
"So I saw," Chloe said turning off the monitor. "I'm guessing Clark and Oliver can't know about that?"
"They can't," I nodded. "Lionel is Jor-El's emissary and he and Oliver are basically frenemies."
"Alright, I keep my word to you," Chloe nodded as she erased the files. "So, how far is the wedding from now."
"Six months," I nodded. "Late September, early October, Lex is letting me borrow a jet for Mom, Niki, Brooke, and I to go to Paris." I smiled. "We're going to look for a wedding dress there."
"You're going all out," Chloe smiled. "I respect that but are you doing this because of Oliver or do you really love him?"
"I really love Lex," I sighed. "Also, Ollie, I know how his intentions are." I looked at Chloe. "He could kill Lex and not have remorse but with me loving Lex and be kills Lex, he'll fill remorse." I looked at the screen. "Only because I am his sister."
"Yeah, his sister who is marrying a monster," Chloe nodded. "Alli, it doesn't make any sense for you to do this."
"Look, my parents are already mad at me for marrying Lex and I don't wanna make things anymore complicated," I nodded. "No matter what, I'm going through with this royal wedding. I don't care if my parents show up or not."

Oliver's POV
I went to LuthorCorp for a board meeting. I went to the building and as I opened the door, everything went blank. I woke up in a hospital room. "Ugh," I sighed. Allison walked up to me. "After what Lex did to me, you're still going to marry him?"
"Lex doesn't deal with explosives," Alli responded. "You can't pin this on him."
"It doesn't matter," I nodded. "He tried to kill me."
"I'm getting married in six months," Alli sighed. "You don't have to come, I don't care."
"Alli," I sighed. She left. "She doesn't listen to me."

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