Chap 12

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Alli's POV
The six months passed by in a blur and I was in the bride's room starting at myself in the full length mirror. Mom walked in. "Hey Mom," I smiled. We hugged. "I wish Dad was here."
"He's always with you, sweetheart," Mom smiled. "In your heart." I nodded. "You can't blame this on yourself. You didn't cause your father's heart problems."
"So what? Dad already had a bad heart?" I asked. "He's suppose to be here on my special day, not that I don't love Clark because I do, he's my brother."
"Allison, listen to me," Mom smiled. "This is your day."
"Maybe I should just call off the wedding," I nodded. "Dad passes four months ago and I can't do this."
"Alli, do you really love Lex?" Mom asked. I nodded my head. "Then don't blow off your special day." Clark walked in. "Time?"
"It's time," Clark nodded. Mom hugged me and left. Clark looked at me. "How are you feeling?"
"Relieved," I sighed.
"Really? Because I'm feeling tensed," Clark replied. I looked at him. "My sister is about to marry my enemy. How would you feel if I married yours?"
"One, Niki is my best friend," I responded as I grabbed my orchid bouquet, "and two, I don't have enemies other than the one inside of me."
"Sorry Clark, but I win this time," I nodded. I grabbed onto his arm and he walked me down the snow filled aisle. It was so beautiful with the purple orchid petals along the floor. I got to the end and handed my bouquet to Niki as Clark handed me off to Lex. "Hey."
"Hi," Lex smiled.
We went through the ceremony and pronounced husband and wife and shared a kiss. "Yeah," I nodded. We walked to the limo and got in. "I can't believe we are finally together."
"As husband and wife," Lex smiled as he grabbed my hand. We got to the Luthor Mansion and we walked to the library. His phone started ringing. "They can't wait."
"Lex, I don't wanna be a bother," I smiled. "It could be important even though you say that nothing can be more important than us."
"Are you sure?" Lex asked.
"Yes," I nodded. "Go, I'll be here when you get here."
"Go visit Oliver," Lex looked at me as he grabbed his phone. "I'm not going to keep you in this mansion, Alli. You're a free woman."
"Well, I'll have to change first," I smiled looking at my wedding dress.
"Do you want a honeymoon?" Lex asked.
"As much as I wish we could have that, Lex, most of the honeymoons you had with your ex's turned out horrible," I nodded. "And right now, I don't want to be added to that list of victims." Lex nodded as he sat down. "I'll go change and we can definitely try a honeymoon later in our marriage." I went up to my room and changes into jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket with black boots. I looked at the pearl bracelet that had a blue gem after every two pearls. I grabbed a small lead box and walked back to the library. "I'll be back Lex. I'm going to see Clark first before I go see Ollie." I walked out of the mansion. I took off my bracelet and put it in the box. I quickly changed into my Raven gear and went to Watch Tower. "I can't stay gone for long. Lex thinks I went to see Clark and went to see Ollie."
"And I'm right here," Oliver walked in with scratches all over him.
"What happened to you?" I asked taking off his mask.
"I ran into a manic who had an ax to grind, literally," Oliver replied.
"My goodness," I nodded. I was getting woozy and passed out. I woke up on the couch at Watch Tower. "What happened?"
"From where we were you passed out," Oliver said as he put on his jacket. I quickly changed and put my bracelet back on. "And your not supposed to do that."
"I need to go to the hospital," I nodded.
"No, you're not," Dr. Emil walked in. He grabbed a needle. "I have to analyze your blood."
"But that's not going to puncture her skin," Chloe replied.
"She's a normal human being," Dr. Emil replied.
"Not to burst your bubble doc, but that needle isn't ---" Dr. Emil stuck the needle in my arm and Oliver could barely find his words. "--- going to puncture her skin..." He took the needle out of my arm. "How'd you do that?"
"I don't know," Dr. Emil looked at me. "I couldn't penetrate Clark with this." He looked at me. "Why are you so different?"
I held out my right arm and showed my bracelet. "The blue gems, they're blue kryptonite," I replied. "It takes away my powers." My phone rang. "It's Lex." I picked up. "Hey Lex. I'm headed back to Smallville. I'll be there in five."
"Good because Dr. Langston brought back your tests results from last week," Lex replied.
"I'll be there," I nodded. I hung up. "Lex needs me." I put my bracelet back in the lead box. I ran to the Luthor Mansion and put the bracelet back on. I walked into the library. "Lex?" The only light was coming from the fireplace. "Lex?"
"Alli," Lex said as he stood up from the couch. I walked over to him and hugged him. We sat down and Lex put the files in my hands. "I think you'd be pleased to what you find."
"What?" I smiled. I looked at the files and it seems that I was pregnant. "I'm pregnant."
"The woman I love is carrying our child," Lex smiled. We shared a kiss. "I have something to show you." Lex grabbed my hand and showed me to a room. I walked inside. Lex closed the door behind me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "So, what do you think?"
"Isn't it a little too soon?" I asked. "An heirloom crib?"
"We don't have to pick out names yet," Lex smiled as he walked over to the crib. "But I do need you opinion." Lex picked up to blankets. "I couldn't choose between Mr. Duck, or the dinosaur."
I giggled. "Either is fine," I smiled as I walked over to him. "But I think I'll go with Mr. Duck."
"I thought so too," Lex replied putting the blankets down. We walked out of the room and a security guard was there. "Alli, I have to attend to a meeting for a few minutes but wait for me in the library."
"Okay," I nodded. I went to the library. "I can't believe I'm pregnant."

Niki's POV
I walked into the Luthor Mansion and straight to the library hoping Lex would be there. To my surprise, I saw Alli sitting at the piano. "Alli," I replied.
"Niki," Alli smiled as she ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're here."
"I'm only here because Clark is missing," I added. "I was hoping with the vast resources, Lex could help me find him."
"Well, one of the advantages of being a Luthor," Alli replied as she grabbed Lex's laptop. "I know his passwords."
"I didn't know you guys were so close," I replied.
"Yeah. I know," Alli nodded.
"Look, Clark mentioned that you're different and you could be a target if he ever gets taken," I replied. "Alli, I need to know what that is so we can prevent that from happening to you." Alli brought her index finger to her mouth and told me to hush. She put the stereo on full blast. "Now what?"
We started whispering to each other. "I'm just like Clark. I have his powers and weakness," Alli replied. "The decisions marrying Lex came with a few little things. This blue kryptonite bracelet is the only thing keeping me grounded." I looked on Lex's laptop. "Niki, there's nothing on here to help. I'm sorry."
"Then again, the millionaire, he doesn't keep his deepest darkest secrets in plain sight," I replied. "He keeps them hidden for a reason."

A/N: the end of this story. I wanted to make it more interesting. that's why i ended it the way it is. I might make a sequel so yeah...I'll let you readers know but till then, happy reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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