Chapter 10

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Song: “No One Has Eyes Like You” Billy Currington.

“You have to go” He said against my lips.

I left my arms wrapped around his neck, not want to go through security yet.

“I know”

“Call me when you land?”

I nodded. They always say things get better in time. Going back to Windsor is not one of them.

“I love you” He said before he kissed me one last time.

“Love you too” I softly said.

I picked up my purse and carry on.

Even though this trip was a rocky one, I could only hope that Taylor would keep his promise.


When I landed back in Detroit, since that was the closest airport to Windsor, I called Taylor to tell him I had landed.  It of course went to his voicemail. I sighed and slipped my phone into my purse.

I rode down the escalator, expecting to see my Aunt and Uncle, but I saw someone totally different.


Kenny’s POV

I had told Mr. and Mrs. H that I’d pick Nico up for them.

I would be lying if I said I hadn’t missed Nico. I missed her so very much. It was torture to not see her for almost two weeks.

I saw her coming down the escalator. She was wearing a pair of yoga pants, and a cut off sweat shirt that hung off of one shoulder. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head, along with her sun glasses.

She looked tired. I can imagine how tired she felt though.

She looked up from sliding her phone in her pocket, and saw me.


I smiled, loving the way the way she said my name.

“Hey” I said walking towards her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked accepting the hug that I had offered her.

I couldn’t tell her that I had been dying to see her.

“You’re Aunt asked if I could pick you up”

She nodded, and then scratched her neck. That’s when I saw it. The three diamond ring on her left hand. My heart dropped too my feet. She’s engaged! The girl, I love is engaged, and not too me.

I stared at the ring and it just didn’t seem too suite her. She never seemed to be the typical princess cut girl.

I grabbed her hand, and looked at the ring on her soft manicured hand.

“He asked….” I couldn’t even bring myself to say it.

She shook her head no. “It’s a promise ring” she said softly.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I still had a chance with her.  But if he was committed enough to give her the promise ring, the other ring isn’t too far behind.

I plastered on a fake a smile. “Well you look tired”

She nodded. “I just want to go home Kenny” She said.

The look on her face was the same one back at the end of summer. That’s why I didn’t want her going to see him. I knew she would come back depressed and sad. I didn’t like depressed and sad Nico. No one did.

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