Chapter 12

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Since this chapter is so long, I have three songs that go with it.

(Song 1: “You and Tequila” Kenny Chesney Feat. Grace Potter. (If you have a song that you think would fit better please tell me, I just thought that the tune and some of the lyrics sort of went with this part))

Nico’s POV

After the night with Kenny, I hadn’t seen or heard a lot from him. Same goes for Taylor. I was lucky if I heard from him once a week. Most of the time when I did hear from him, it is in a text. With every text the messages got shorter. It went from, “I love you” to “Love you” then ending with “You too”. I wasn’t feeling much of the love. When we did talk on the phone it ended in a fight. They weren’t even meaningful fights; they were stupid fights.

Valentine’s Day was quickly approaching, and I hadn’t even thought of anything to get Taylor. Jackie and Audrey had mentioned taking cute sexy pictures of me, and sending them too Taylor.  My luck something would happen and they would be all over the internet, being sold for ten dollars a print.

I decided on sending him cookies and brownies I had baked for him. My aunt showed me how to wrap them up so they wouldn’t go bad. I hoped he liked them. I just wondered if he would remember about me.

Valentine’s Day came and went and I didn’t receive anything from Taylor. No card, no flowers, no stuffed animals, not even a stupid text message. You could say I was pissed, but I was more hurt. It would have been different if we had only been dating for a week, but we have been together for more than a year now.

Our relationship was on bad terms right now.

Jackie had convinced me to go to the Spits game. She said I could see Audrey, and the three of us could have girl time. After the game she had somehow talked me into going down and seeing the guys.

They all gave me hugs, and said how good it was too see me. Kenny and I made eye contact from across the room. Then he quickly turned his head away from me.

I told Jackie I had to us the restroom, and I’d be back.  It was awkward to even be in the same room as him. Just like Taylor’s and I’s relationship, Kenny and I’s friendship was almost none existent.

Once I got back, Jackie nor Ryan were nowhere to be found.

I walked out the player’s entrance, and saw only one person loading up in his car.


I figured I could just walk. As I turned to walk away,

“Need a ride?” he called out after me.

I winced, then turned and faced him.

“I can just walk”

“Don’t be crazy Nico. It’s ten below Fahrenheit”

Fahrenheit? I forgot he was American.

I sighed and walked over to his car.

“Thanks” I said hoping into the passenger seat.

“Anytime” he said as he pulled of the parking lot.

We drove in complete silence.

“So did Taylor do anything for you for the big V day?”

Of course he had to bring that up.

“Not exactly”

I saw him roll his eyes.

“I don’t know why you put up with it” he said.

“Put up with what?” I asked

“Him!” he said raising his voice. “Him not calling you, or forgetting about you”

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