Chapter 21

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Song: “Enchanted” Taylor Swift

Taylor and I had been back together for a year now. We were going strong too; stronger than we ever have. Kim and Steve were of course happy to see me on a regular basis now. I was happy too. I mean I not only missed their son, I missed them too. Besides my Aunt and Uncle, they had become the adopted parents of me. Not that I didn’t love Kenny’s parents but Kim and Steve a special place in my heart.

About six months after Taylor and I got back together, he suggested the idea of me moving out to Edmonton, and finish my school out there at one of the photography schools they have out there. I of course obliged, since I didn’t have really anything keeping me in Windsor. Jackie left and followed Ryan to Nashville. Audrey followed Jack to Dallas. And Kenny; Kenny and I haven’t really talked since he drove off that day a year ago. Last time I heard he was playing for Toronto’s farm team trying to make it to the Leafs roster. All the guys went their separate ways once they got too old to play for Windsor and nothing was keeping me there. Taylor and I bought our own condo; No Jordan, just the two of us. It was nice it just being the two of us. We could have ‘naked Sundays’ as Jackie called them, without anyone irrupting us. I could get used to living like this. I could see myself raising my children with him.

Tonight Taylor and I were celebrating our one year anniversary of use being back together. He told me the restaurant was a semi-formal place, so I wore this red draped dress, with my black paten leather

Christian Louboutin heels Taylor had bought me when he went to New York to play the Rangers.

“Taylor?” I said walking down the stairs as I put my earrings in. No answer.

“Taylor!” I said louder so you could hear me through the whole condo. Still no answer.

“I swear I heard him down here” I said playing with my bracelets on my wrist as I looked around. I then spotted a note with an red long stem rose on it.

I walked over and grabbed the note that said “Read Me”.

The note basically said for me to go down stairs and wait.

So I quickly grabbed my coat since it was still chilly in Western Canada.

I got down stairs to see a black stretch limo waiting with a guy holding a door open.

“Are you Miss Howard?”

“Yes sir” I nodded.

“Hi I’m Tony I’ll be your driver tonight”

He insinuated for me to get in the limo.

What in the world could Taylor be planning?

“Excuse me sir?” I said as the man got in the driver’s seat and pulled away from the curb and began on our way to our destination.

“Tony” he said.

“Excuse me?”

“Please Miss, call me Tony”

“Ok Tony” I said smiling.

“Is everything alright back there ma’am?” he kindly asked.

“Yes everything is perfect, thank you” I said returning a genuine smile. “Can you tell me where exactly we’re going?” I asked as I adjusted in the seat.

Tony laughed. “Sorry Miss, Mr. Hall asked if I wouldn’t give away any details”

Of course Taylor thinks ahead.

We passed the park that a year ago, Taylor and I had encountered his littlest fan. I still was clueless at where we were going. It always takes me awhile for me to get adjusted to my surroundings, and figure out the roads and directions. I just leaned my head back, careful not to ruin my hair, and closed my eyes.

“Ok miss, were here” the man said.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky deck. I told Taylor all the time that I wanted to come here, but he always seemed like he wasn’t listening.

The Tony opened my door, and escorted me to the front of the building.

“Miss Howard?” the door man asked.

“Yes Sir” I said.

The man smiled. “Follow me please”

I looked back at Tony, and he smile and pushed me towards the door. “Good Luck”

I followed the man to the elevators, and rode up to the top floor. When the doors opened, we were up on the highest floor, overlooking the skyline of Edmonton. It was so beautiful. There weren’t any lights on, so you could really see the skyline.

“Excuse me Miss” I turned to find the door man asking for my coat.

“Oh sorry”

He smiled, and took my coat.

“Good luck” he said as he got on the elevator, and the doors closed.

I awkwardly stood there, in the dark, holding my rose and my red clutch.

Finally a string of lights lit up, and I could a tall figure standing by the windows.

“Looking for me?” Taylor said with a smile in voice. He was wearing one of dark gray suits. The ones I loved on him.

“Hey” I said walking towards him, and kissed him quickly on his lips. “Have you been planning this?”

He smiled, and grabbed my hand and guided me towards the glass to look out on the city.

“I can’t believe you were listening” I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I love you” he softly said into my ear. “I want to listen to every single word you tell me. I want to go to bed with you, and wake up every morning with you. I want to have and raise my children with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you”

I turned around to face him, to see sincerity oozing from his eyes.

“I know I messed up before, and put you through unnecessary drama. But you are the kindest, most sincere, unique, absolutely the most beautiful women I’ve ever met. When I saw you come down those stairs two years ago, I knew you were different from all the girls I’ve ever met. I love you so much Nicolette. I can’t even imagine my life without you. Those month’s without you were the worst, darkest months of my life. I need you Nicolette, you bring meaning into my life.”

The tears where now escaping from my eyes.

“I know were still young, but it doesn’t matter we can do it. That’s why I’m asking” then he did it. He got down on one knee right there in front of me. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?” he said holding the signature Tiffany’s blue box, that held a beautiful diamond ring.

I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t speak.

“Are you serious Taylor?” I asked finally able to speak. “Is this real?”

“Of course it’s real, do you think I’d get a fake diamond for my girl?” he said.

“No, are you seriously asking me to be your wife?”

“Oh, yes of course I am.” He said. “So what do you say?”

I couldn’t say anything. All I could do was nod.

He smiled and got up off his and slipped the ring on my left hand. He picked me up spinning me around.

My fairytale finally came together. There was many bumps in the road, and took a few detours in this journey. But I found my place in life. All I had to do was listen to my heart.

I'm so sad too see this come too and end. It was a stressful, but fun ride. You guys were so very supportive of this story. And I had no idea it would be as big as it is. I hope I dont piss too many people off. But if I do, remember the alternate ending is coming shortly. I love you guys. You're all awesome for sticking with me when I wasnt posting so regularly. My house lost its internet connection, so I've been trying to post them from Starbucks and other places whenever I can.

Remember to subscribe to the alternate ending "Another Try". I promise, team Kenny wont be dissapointed.

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