Chapter 5

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Blake pushed her way through the crowd. The only reason she was here was to keep an eye on Scott.

She's been here for ten minutes and she couldn't find Scott, Stiles or Allison.
Blake started to worry. What if something happened?  What if Scott lashed out?


Blake turned around and felt the weight lifted off her shoulders.
"Stiles," Blake breathed. "Where's Scott?"
"He's dancing with Allison," Stiles answered, looking towards Scott and Allison.

Blake let out a breath.

"You look... Amazing," Stiles gasped.

"Shut up," Blake replied drily as she stared at Scott.

"I was just complimenting you," Stiles defended.

"I don't like being complimented, " Blake answered. Blake tore her gaze away from Scott and looked at Stiles.

"Come on,"  Blake ordered.

"Where are we going?" Stiles exclaimed.

"To the kitchen."

Blake once again squeezed through sweaty bodies to get to kitchen. She had a perfect view of Scott and Allison.

Blake could tell that Scott was slightly worried about the full moon. To be honest, so was Blake. What was she supposed to do if he did turn? If he killed everyone that got in his way?

Scott seemed to be staring at something that wasn't Allison, which surprised Blake.

She followed his gaze and her eyes widened when she saw Derek Hale. Why was he here?

"Stiles," Blake said turning to face Stiles. "Why is Derek Hale here?"

When Blake didn't get a reply, she turned around only to find that Stiles has disappeared. He's probably stalking Lydia. Blake sighed. She glanced around her. Everyone was either drinking, dancing, or making out. Not really Blake's scene.

Blake leaned against the kitchen counter and prepared for a long night.
After a while of watching Scott, he clutched his head and started groaning. Blake stood upright and paid more attention. Scott rushed past Allison and headed towards the kitchen.

"Scott," Blake called.

"We need to go." That was all Scott said before walking past her.
Blake started to panick. Where is Stiles?!

A worried Allison walked past Blake and after Scott who was at the front door.
Blake hurried after them as Scott left the house, shortly followed by Allison.
But by the time Blake got outside, she could just see Allison getting into a black car with none other than Derek Hale. "Where's Scott?" Blake heard Stiles ask.

"Now you show up," Blake mumbled.

"Please tell me that wasn't Derek," Stiles begged.

"I won't tell you then," Blake answered. "It's happening, isn't it?"

"If by happening, you mean Scott turning into werewolf with three - inch claws and razor sharp fangs, then yeah, it's happening," Stiles replied.

"He might of went home," Blake suggested.

"Scott? He could be anywhere for all we know."

"We are going to my house to see if he's there," Blake declared.

"We?" Stiles questioned.

"Yes. I am not going into my house alone with an out of control werewolf wandering about," Blake answered.

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