Chapter 6

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"So what happened? You Ieft me stranded at the party."

Blake was standing beside her car, secretly listening to Scott and Allison's conversation. She had her phone in her hands so that she looked busy and less awkward.

"Yeah, I know. I know. I'm really sorry, I am," Scott exclaimed. "But you're gonna have to trust that I had a really good reason."

"Did you get sick?" Allison asked.

"I definitely had an attack of something," Scott answered.

"Am I gonna get an explanation?" Allison questioned.

"Can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one?" Scott begged.

"Am I gonna regret this?" Allison asked cautiously.
"Probably," Scott smirked.
Blake closed her eyes and sighed. You gotta give it to Scott for being 100% honest.

Allison laughed. "So is that a yes on a second chance?" Scott asked hopefully.
"Definitely yes," Allison grinned.

A car honked and Blake's eyes averted to a car that just pulled up. A man opened the door and stepped out.

"That's my dad, I better go," Allison announced before making her way towards the car.

Blake walked over to Scott with a big grin on her face.
"I am so proud of you," She said before ruffling his hair.

But Scott's eyes were still on Allison's dad. By the look on his face Blake knew that something was up.

She turned to face the man to see him wave at Scott and then he drove off.
"Scott?" Blake asked curiously. "What's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have this weird look on your face," Blake answered.

"That was Allison's dad," Scott replied.

"I know that, Scott. I've been listening to your conversation for the last five minutes."

"He's the one who shot me," Scott answered honestly.

Blake's eyes widened. "Woah, woah, woah! Back the truck up two blocks."

Scott looked at her weirdly."That's not how the saying goes."

"It is now. What do you mean he shot you?!" Blake exclaimed.

"He shot me," Scott repeated.
"With what?" Blake shrieked.

"An arrow."

Blake sighed. "If mom heard any of the words that's been coming out of your mouth the past few days."

"Did he know it was you that he shot?" Blake asked concerned.
"I don't think so..." Scott answered.
Blake groaned. "Hurry up and go to lacrosse so I can go home."

Scott smirked." I was thinking, that after lacrosse you could take me to the store then to Stiles' house, back to the store and then we can go home," Scott grinned as he walked backwards facing Blake.

"I can drive off now and leave you here," Blake tested.
"I've got Stiles and his jeep," Scott teased.

"Exactly. You have Stiles and his jeep," Blake replied. "Remind me again how that's a good thing."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Scott asked mischievously. Blake racked her brain for any plans that she made today but nothing popped up.

"No," Blake answered curiously. Scott grinned before he turned around and headed for the boys' locker room.

Blake sighed. Should she stay and watch Scott and show just how loyal she is, or will she just drive off, leave him with Stiles and be the unloyal sister that she is?

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