Chapter 9

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Blake smirked at Stiles as she watched his reaction.

Just then, Jackson came their way. Lydia stood up and met him.
"Okay. Did he do it?" she asked.

"He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me," Jackson answered.

"You should get one right before the game too. The pros do it all the time," Lydia advised, getting all over Jackson. "You want to be a little high school amateur? Or do you want to go pro?"

And then they started kissing. Blake looked away and so did Stiles.

"Holy God!" Stiles exclaimed. Blake looked over at him in confusion. Scott must of crept up on him because Stiles had his hand over his heart.
"The scent was the same," Scott declared.
"You sure?" Stiles asked.

"So he did bury the other half of the body on his property," Stiles announced.
"Which means we have proof that he killed the girl," Scott added.
"I say we use it," Stiles suggested.

"Tell me something first," Stiles said. "Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't?"

"There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles," Scott answered. "Bite marks."
"Okay, then we're gonna need a shovel," Stiles announced.
"Why?" Blake asked nervously.

"You'll find out," Stiles replied.

"Why the hell are we at Derek Hale's house?!" Blake exclaimed.

"Because," Stiles said as if it werent obvious.

"Whatever," Blake sighed. "Just give me a shovel."

"Oh, I only brought two..." Stiles trailed off. "I thought that, you know, since you're a girl you would, uh, paint your nails or something."

Blake groaned. "I'll just sit in the jeep then."

She made her way towards Stiles' jeep and sat down in the passenger's seat with the door wide open. She watched the boys dig up the dirt of Derek Hale's property.

Blake sat in the car for a while before she started to worry.

"This is taking too long. What if he comes back?" Blake asked.

"Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles answered. They were a few feet down in the dirt.

"What if he catches us?" Scott queried.

"I have a plan for that," Stiles replied.
"Which is?" Scott urged.

"You run one way," Stiles answered pointing at Blake. "I run the other. Scott another direction. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

"Great plan," Blake exaggerated.

"I hate that plan," Scott agreed.

"You don't have to worry about being caught first," Blake explained. "You have your...super...reflex...speed."

"Just shut up," Blake ordered.

"You're the one talking."
"Oh, stop, stop, stop," Stiles said.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"No, no, no. Stop digging," Stiles corrected as he held his arm out to stop Scott from digging his shovel into the ground.

Blake stared down into the hole. Stiles had started digging with his hands and she could make out brown fabric.

The fabric was tied with rope which was knotted dozens of times.
Stiles tried to untie the knots but he was taking forever.
"Hurry," Scott demanded.

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