Chapter 28

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"Stiles! I've almost found Scott's phone, I'd say just another few minutes," Blake announced.

"Okay, I'll tell Scott, but can you meet us here at the school? We don't want to wait any longer than we have to because God knows what's happening to Derek right now!"

Blake could just about make out what he was saying over the loud music booming in the background.

"Do I have to actually go to the dance?"

"No, just get here as soon as you can."

Blake was about to get up from her bed when her mom walked in once again. "I thought you left to go to the dance!"

Blake remained silent, not wanting to anger her anymore.

"You're grounded!" Melissa declared.

Blake's eyes widened. "What? Mom, you should be grounding me for going to a party, not not going to a party!"

Melissa saw Blake's point but that still didn't stop her from punishing her.

"You're the opposite of grounded then! You have to go to every party and the only time you're allowed in the house is when you have to eat and sleep," Melissa explained confidently.

"You're kicking me out of the house?" Blake's jaw dropped.

Melissa thought about if for a second before she nodded. "Yes."

Blake groaned, already dreading the feeling of leaving the house.

"I'm probably a terrible mother but I think this sounds fun. For me, not for you, obviously," Melissa smirked before she left the room.

"I can't believe I'm getting kicked out of my own home," she mumbled to herself, grabbing her phone and laptop before jogging down the stairs.

"Bye!" She called as approached the front door.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"You said I'm not allowed in the house unless I have to eat or sleep, and right now, I don't have to do either," Blake answered.

Blake waited for a response from her mom but her mom just shook her head and returned to whatever she was doing.

Blake sat in her car outside the school waiting for Scott and Stiles. She had been waiting for about ten minutes now and after trying to call their phones, she was left with no choice but to go inside and look for them.

She left her car and made her way towards the front entrance. There were music and lights coming from inside the school.

Blake was stopped in her tracks when she spotted Jackson walking towards the school.

"Jackson?" She called. Jackson ignored her and continued walking. Blake noticed that he looked out of it.

"Jackson?" She tried again. When Jackson failed to respond, she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Jackson!"

Jackson's head snapped in her direction. He looked behind him in the way he came before shaking Blake's hand off his shoulder.

"What?" He snapped.

"Are you okay?"

"Why do you care?"

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