Chapter 13

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"Who are you calling?" Blake asked as Scott paced the room with his phone to his ear.

"Stiles," he answered.
"Why?" she questioned.

"Shut up!" He exclaimed as Stiles answered his phone.

"Well, alright then," Blake said grumpily.

Blake zoned out and thought about what would happen if their mom ever found out about Scott. Would she go crazy? Would she kick Scott out of the house? Would she even care? Of course she would. Her son is a frickin' werewolf.

She was brought back to reality when Scott said something into his phone before hanging up.

He looked at Blake with a serious yet terrified look on his face. "I need your help."

Scott had dragged Blake into Stiles' jeep and Stiles drove off. She had no idea where they were going so she didn't shut up the whole way there.
Blake finally recognised where they were and confusions set in.

"The high school?" Blake asked. "Why are we at the high school?"

Stiles stopped the car and Scott got out. Stiles went to copy him but Scott stopped him.

"No, just me!" Scott argued. "Someone needs to keep watch."
"Why am I always the one keeping watch?" Stiles asked. "Why can't Blake keep watch?"

"Because she's not good at keeping watch," Scott answered.

Usually, Blake would be offended by something like this but not this time.
"That is very true," Blake agreed.

"And that only leaves the two of us," Scott explained.
"Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?" Stiles questioned from the driver's seat. "I don't want to be Robin all the time."
"Can I be Penguin?" Blake pitched in.

"Nobody's Batman or Robin or Penguin any of the time," Scott replied.
"Not even some of the time?" Stiles wondered.

"Just stay here," Scott ordered before walking off.
"Oh, my God. Fine!" Stiles groaned.

Blake climbed into the passenger seat beside Stiles, accidentally kicking him in the process.

"What was that for?!" Stiles exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to," Blake said quietly.
After a few seconds, Stiles broke the silence again.

"Penguin?!" He questioned. "Why Penguin?"
"Because Penguin is cool and quirky," Blake shrugged.
"And male," Stiles explained.

Stiles just shook his head.
"Plus," Blake added. "Penguins are awesome."

She started picking at her black nails. "What are we even doing here?"

"Derek said that being at the scene can help you remember," Stiles explained.
"So, Scott's going on the bus to try and remember what happened that night?" Blake questioned.

Stiles nodded.
Just then, Blake saw headlights up ahead.
"Stiles," she said as she pointed towards the lights. "See, I am good at keeping watch."

"Come on," Stiles whispered to himself.
"What's taking him so long?" Blake asked no one in particular.
"I don't know, but he better hurry up," Stiles stated. "Come on."
"Go! Go! Go!"

Scott was running towards them, waving his hands in the air.
"Scott, hurry up!" Blake yelled.

Scott jumped - literally - into the backseat of the jeep.
"Did It work?" Stiles asked, turning the ignition on and driving off. "Did you remember?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded. " I was there last night. And the blood ... A lot of it was mine."

"So you did attack him?" Stiles questioned.
"No, I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine," Scott explained. "It was Derek."

"Why was Derek there?" Blake asked.

"I don't know but I guess we're gonna find out," Scott answered.
"What about the driver?" Stiles wondered.
"I think I was actually trying to help him."

"Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?"
"That's what I don't get."

"Maybe there was someone else there," Blake offered.
"Like who?" Scott queried.
"It's got to be a pack thing," Stiles suggested.
"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"Like an initiation. You do the kill together," Stiles declared.
"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?" Scott exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer," Stiles stated. "And it also means that-"

"I can go out with Allison," Scott smiled.
"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us," Stiles corrected.
"Oh, yeah. That too."

Stiles dropped Scott and Blake home and then he disappeared.
"So, you're going out with Allison tonight then?" Blake asked as they entered the front door.

"Yeah," he grinned.
"Don't forget to let go of the ball," Blake joked, making a reference to the game of bowling Scott would be playing later.
"I won't!" He shouted back.

After Scott left, Blake spent the rest of the evening in her room just listening to music and going online to read about werewolves.

"Hey, Scott," Blake heard her mom's voice sound down the hall. "I'm gonna go to ... Sleep."

Blake got up from her bed and joined her in the hall. She was walking towards Blake's room when they both heard something coming from Scott's bedroom. Mom looked at Blake before heading back to Scott's room and grabbing the baseball bat.

"Where is everyone getting my baseball bats?" Blake asked.

"Seriously, Stiles, what the hell are you doing here?!" Mom exclaimed. Stiles was currently climbing through the window.

"What am I doing? God, do either of you even play baseball?!"

"I played for a few years but then all the boys made fun of me," Blake muttered, even though she knew no one was listening. "And why does Scott have my baseball bat?"

"So that if someone was to ever sneak in through the window, I can hit them," Scott answered, appearing to my right.

"What? Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?" Mom said, looking at Scott and Blake.

"But we lock the front door," Scott stated. "He wouldn't be able to get in."
"Yeah, exactly," mom replied. "And, by the way, do any of you care that there's a police -enforced curfew?"

"No," they all said in unison.

"No, all right then," mom sighed. "Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night, so goodnight."
"Goodnight, mom," Blake replied, watching her mom trudge towards her room.

"My dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago," Stiles explained. "They said he succumbed to his wound."

"Succumbed?" Scott questioned.
"Scott, he's dead," Stiles and Blake both answered.
Scott rushed off, most likely to find Derek.
"Should we go after him?" Stiles asked.

"No," Blake yawned. "He'll come home when he's hungry."

"Well, ok then," Stiles replied. "Goodnight, Blake."
"Goodnight, Stiles."

"Goodnight, Mrs. McCall!" Stiles yelled.
"Goodbye, Stiles!" Mom shouted back.

"I was hoping for a goodnight but a goodbye works too," Stiles shrugged before leaving.

Derek is back!

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