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Wesley Ayers pulled his car to a stop in a town called Ashland in Oregon. He stood outside an old block of apartments he visited every month. Bricks were falling from the walls and multiple windows no longer served their function. From the outside, the building looked abandoned and dysfunctional, however, Wesley Ayers knew that there were residents inside. In fact, he knew the residents very well.

Without thinking, he pushed open the entrance door which creaked with every movement. Wesley didn't care that he was creating noise, the people living there already knew he arrived.

He passed an elevator which hasn't been in use for a year. He ascended a flight of stairs. Once he arrived at the top floor, he knocked on the last door on his left. He could hear movement from inside.

The door swung open and a man in his early 30s greeted him. He wore his usual attire - a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. His black hair almost reached his defined cheekbones.

"Wesley," he smiled. "Please, join us."

Wesley nodded as a way of saying hello before entering the apartment he had been in many times before.

He glanced around the room, it hadn't changed since the last time he was there. The furniture was all in the same place, the room smelt the same, the air felt the same.

A group of people were sat around a large wooden table. They all looked at Wesley as he announced his arrival.

"We thought you weren't going to make it," Lucia - a nineteen year old werewolf - stated.

Lucia was the youngest of Tate's pack and was surprisingly one of the strongest. Lucia was an orphan and often looked at Tate as a father figure. Tate was friendly with Lucia's parents before they died and, therefore, felt it was his job to make sure the girl was okay. Both Lucia's parents were Alphas, so, Lucia felt that the only way she could make her late parents proud was to become an Alpha herself. Tate was more than happy to help her with that.

"Traffic was bad coming out of California," Wesley explained, taking a seat beside Lucia at the table.

"Speaking of California," Tate - the man who answered the door - began. "What news do you have?"

Wesley took a breath and recalled the events of what has happened in a town in California since he had last seen Tate.

"Well, there is a newly bitten werewolf," Wesley started. "The alpha is dead -"

"Already?" Marnie exclaimed. Marnie was in her late 20s but looked like she was in her teenage years. She was an omega when Tate and Wesley found her and was on the verge of death. At first, she didn't want anything to do with the two men, but now she feels safe in their presence.

Wesley nodded. "He was killed by his nephew."

"That family is messed up," Logan muttered.

"That family was set on fire, Logan," Wesley shot. "Derek's the only one left."

Logan could sometimes be stubborn,which he adopted from his older sister, Morgan. The two were in the middle of attacking a pack of werewolves when Wesley showed up and got them out of there. He admired their bravery but going against a whole pack of wolves was irrational and stupid.

"And he's the alpha now," Marnie added.

"He'll do anything to protect his family's name and his position as an alpha," Tate explained before looking at Wesley. "Anything else?"

"Katherine Argent is dead," Wesley stated bluntly.

"One less hunter to worry about," Logan shrugged.

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