Chapter 16

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Blake pulled up in front of the video rental store and got out of the car.

"Hey, Michael," Blake grinned, walking into the video rental store.
"Blake McCall. Are you early?" Michael, Blake's boss asked. He stood on top of a ladder, fixing a flickering light on the ceiling.

"Actually," Blake said looking at her phone. "I'm just on time."

"Let's make it a habit then," Michael declared.

"Old habits die hard," Blake declared, as Bon Jovi's song popped into her head.
"Are you always late to everything?" Michael asked, looking down at her from the ladder he stood on.

"Yeah, pretty much," Blake nodded. "I was even late coming out of the womb."
"I don't even want to ask what you mean by that," Michael muttered.
Blake felt her phone vibrating in her pocket.

"Can I take this?" she asked as she saw who was calling her.

Michael looked at her before nodded hesitantly. "Since you were early."
Blake grinned as she left Michael and went out to the back of the store where the best signal was.

"Alec, I'm really sorry about ditching you earlier," Blake rambled.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure your sick friend is more important than my grades," Alec answered. Blake sucked in a breath. She felt terrible for lying to Alec.

"How's your friend doing, anyway?"

"Uh - she's - he's good," Blake replied quickly. "Yup, he's good."

"What's his name?"

"Kevin," Blake blurted.

"I just thought I'd call you to make sure you're okay."

"Well, I'm fine," Blake declared. "And so is Kevin."

"That's great, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Blake mumbled a goodbye. She didn't know what made her feel worse; the fact that she was lying to Alec, or the fact that he didn't suspect a thing.
Blake sighed before heading inside again. She frowned as she noticed that Michael was nowhere to be seen. She also couldn't find the ladder he was using so she figured that he went out for a while.

Blake noticed a car pull up outside and she immediately recognised it. Jackson walked through the door and walked through the aisles.
Blake remained where she was, not bothering to see if Jackson needed help.
Blake didn't hate Jackson, but she didn't like him either. If Jackson wasn't such a jerk to her brother, or everyone for that matter, he would be a nice enough guy. But he is a jerk.

Blake noticed Jackson approaching her.

"McCall number two," Jackson greeted.

Blake smiled innocently while in her mind she was shooting his head off with a gun.

"Can you find The Notebook?" Jackson asked. "Because I can't."
Blake pointed to the right.

"Try the second one," I replied and watched Jackson walk towards where I pointed.

"I have," Jackson stated.
"Look again, then," Blake shrugged. Jackson huffed before making his way towards where Blake had suggested. Blake really didn't know where The Notebook was but it was quite funny to see him wandering around like a lost puppy.

"Woah, hey!" Jackson yelled.

"Hi," Blake muttered. After getting no response from Jackson, Blake groaned as she dropped her phone onto the counter. "What?"

Jackson's eyes seemed to be glued to something. They were filled with terror which scared Blake. She made her way towards him.

"Jackson, you better be making me walk for a good reason," Blake mumbled.

"Is he supposed to be there?" Jackson asked as he pointed at something.

"Is who supposed to be there?" Blake questioned. It was then that Blake remembered about her boss.

She stood beside Jackson and when she saw what he saw, her eyes widened in horror.

Michael lay on the ground, lifeless. There was blood everywhere.
"Oh my God," Blake gasped.

"Can't you check for a pulse or something?" Jackson asked.
Blake nodded. "But I don't want to touch him."
"Who cares?! Just see if he's dead or not," Jackson exclaimed, pushing her towards Michael's body.

"Alright! Ok, ok!" Blake yelled. She crept closer to Michael's body and kneeled down by his head. She went to feel for his pulse when she heard Jackson yell.
Blake turned her head and saw a black figure run past. Jackson ran behind one of the shelves, grabbing Blake's arm as he did.

"What the hell was that?!" Blake exclaimed as she leaned against the shelf.
She looked around the shelf to try and get a better look at the creature.
It had black fur and very long claws.

"Why are you asking me? This is your store!" Jackson shouted.
Blake tried to slow down her rapid breathing but looking over at Jackson didn't help. He looked terrified. To be honest, Blake was terrified too. Actually, no, she was petrified. What was that thing? Blake hadn't noticed that her hands were shaking until Jackson nudged her.

"Woah, hey, stop shaking your hands," Jackson ordered. "You're freaking me out."

"There's a frickin' animal which huge claws circling us and your freaked out about my hands," Blake murmured.

"They're not claws," Jackson corrected. "They're freaking forks!"

After she didn't hear anything from the creature, she turned to Jackson.
"Do you have your phone?" she asked.
Jackson shook his head. "It's in the car with Lydia."
"Lydia's outside?" Blake gasped. Jackson nodded.

Blake took a deep breath. "My phone's on the counter, I'm gonna go get it."
"What? No," Jackson hissed. "You are not leaving. That thing is still there."
"Don't worry. I'll make it quick," Blake assured him. Blake stood up and ignored Jackson's whispers. She looked around before making her way towards the counter. She grabbed her phone and rushed back to Jackson.
Blake looked at her phone and groaned.

"What?" Jackson questioned.
"I have no signal," Blake announced. "How cliché."
Jackson ignored her and peeked around the shelf.
"Where the hell is it?" He asked.
"Maybe it left," Blake suggested.
"Highly unlikely."

"The only place with signal is out back," Blake explained.
Jackson turned to look at her. "Why don't we just leave out the back door?"
"Because there's a huge fence around it," Blake explained.
"Why don't we climb over it?"

"Because I - " Blake stuttered. "That's actually a good idea."

"Good. Let's go before that thing comes back," Jackson decided as he began to stand up.

Blake copied and started towards the back door. But before she could get there, the creature jumped in front of her. Blake froze and stared at the creature. She couldn't bring herself to look away from it. It's bright red eyes the only thing that she noticed before it took off through the window.

Blake winced as the glass shattered. It was then when Blake heard the police sirens.

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked. Blake nodded looked at Jackson. She saw something different in his eyes. Blake saw concern in them. She wasn't sure whether to be happy or worried.

Police began to swarm the building and evacuated Blake and Jackson outside. Blake noticed Lydia getting out of Jackson's car and rushing towards Jackson who was being checked up on by the ambulance. Blake's mind was going crazy. What was that thing? It definitely wasn't an animal. Why was it even in the store?

Blake scanned the group of people rushing around the scene and her eyes fell upon Sheriff Stilinski. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening next. She threw her arms around the Sheriff. The Sheriff tensed before wrapping his arms around the girl. "Hey, it's okay," he soothed.

Blake let a few stray tears travel down her cheek. Even though she knew about the supernatural and about werewolves, she definitely was not prepared for this.

Blake and Jackson were stuck in the video rental store with the Alpha....

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