Chapter 23

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Blake stood next to Stiles as he dropped a bag full of chains on the ground. Stiles and Blake had agreed to chain him up during the full moon - which was tonight.

"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?" Scott exclaimed.

"Well, technically you are a dog, Scott," Blake mumbled.

"Actually, no," Stiles said as he quickly grabbed Scott's arm and handcuffed him to the radiator.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott hissed.
"Protecting you from yourself and giving you some payback," Stiles explained. "For making out with Lydia."

Blake still couldn't believe that Scott would make out with Lydia - Stiles' crush since forever.

"Come on, Blake," Stiles muttered, leaving the room. Blake looked down at her brother before following Stiles out of the room.

After trying to talk to Scott a few times, Stiles and Blake had given up and sat outside Scott's bedroom.

Blake closed her eyes as she heard her brother calling her name.
"Come on, Blake!" He called. "Please, just take them off. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm your brother."

She knew that it wasn't Scott. It was the full moon.

Blake covered her ears as she heard he brother scream. It killed her to hear him like this and to be part of the reason why he's like this. But she was only trying to protect him

Stiles gripped her hand with glossy eyes.

A few seconds later, Scott's screams had died down.

"Scott, are you okay?" Stiles called. "Scott?"

Blake stood up with Stiles as he began to open the door.
Blake followed Stiles into Scott's room as her eyes scanned the room for her brother. Her eyes fell upon the handcuffs that tied Scott to the radiator; they were now covered in blood and laying on the floor.
"Scott?" She called. However, there was no answer.

"Where is he?" Blake asked as worry began to settle in.

"Come on," Stiles said, grabbing Blake's arm and dragging her out of Scott's bedroom. "We're going to find him."

Stiles made Blake get into his jeep as they sped down the road to Beacon Hills' Preserve. The ride there was silent except for the constant tapping of Blake's fingers on the dash.

Blake got out of Stiles' jeep as he started calling for his dad. Police officers were everywhere. Blake spotted an ambulance and panic started to fill her stomach.

Stiles had driven here to look for Scott but instead they found the whole place surrounded with police officers.

"Has anyone seen my dad?" Stiles called.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?"

Stiles came face to face with his dad and then wrapped his arms around him.

Blake was glad that nothing had happened to the sheriff but she was still worried about Scott. She pulled out her phone as it vibrated in her pocket. She received a message from her missing brother.

"Is that Scott?" Stiles asked as he joined her.

Blake nodded before reading the message out loud.
"Sorry for running off. Sorry if I scared you. I'm back home. Goodnight," Blake muttered.

Stiles sighed. "Well at least we know where he is now."
Blake hummed.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Stiles offered.

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