Chapter 2

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Ulquiorra walked up the winding driveway to the dark, imposing mansion at the top of Karakura Hill, which was really more of a cliff hanging over the ocean. He pressed his finger into a button at the side of the columned door, and waited while the set of chimes rang eerily through the house. The door was soon opened and he was allowed in, nodding quickly to the dark-skinned man in a white suit who closed the door behind him, shutting off most of the light until he reached over and switched the lights on.

"You're later than usual," stated the man.

"So what of it Tosen?" asked Ulquiorra, taking some books from his bag.

"What were you doing?"

"I can't see how that's any of your concern," he replied, tossing the schoolbag to the taller man who caught it easily.

"It's my concern if you have been with those boys again," he said coolly.

"I go to school, Tosen, I can't stop seeing them."

"And what about your spare time?"

"If you must know, I was studying, now if you'll excuse me, it's not your place and I have work to do," he began to walk off, deliberately turning his back on his father's associate.

Tosen stared after him silently, until he reached the base of the grand staircase, "I saw you sneak out the other night, I have made sure to notify your father."

Ulquiorra stopped for a moment, his hand tightening on the wrought-iron rail, then continued walking as calmly as possible, "I don't know what you mean."

As soon as he was out of Tosen's line of vision, he rushed to his room and tossed his bags on the four-poster bed. He looked around for something, anything to kick or take his rage out on that would not give him away, unfortunately for him, he was strong enough that anything he attacked usually ended up broken which caused Tosen to tattle on him, yet again, and his father to punish him, yet again. He clenched his fists and stood perfectly still trying to control his fury, he stared at a poster on his wall Grimmjow had given him for his birthday, the light behind the singers was a bright blue, he concentrated on their silhouetted forms trying to concentrate on quelling his anger. Suddenly, an orange-headed figure appeared before his eyes, smiling in awe as she saw him play piano, those blue pins on the side of her head matching that of the poster. Subconsciously his fists unclenched and his expression softened slightly, she had been such a breath of fresh air, he had never played for anyone before, to play for someone else, with more of a purpose than just taking his feelings out on the keys, had been...nice almost.

The door creaked open and he whipped around, determined to break Tosen's neck if it was him, but he relaxed as he saw Gertrude, their maid, and the only other person in the world who knew about his affinity with the piano, she had introduced him to it, she was the only person he ever admired.

"I thought I heard you come in," she said with a smile, wiping her hands on her apron. "Not that hard when you've got Mr Tosen stalking around trying to find out what you're doing."

He nodded absently; Tosen's main aim in life was to destroy Ulquiorra's sanity, or at least his freedom.

She sighed, "I'm sorry about him Ulquiorra," she looked at him carefully. "Ms Cerucci and Miss Loly are out shopping, and your father won't be back until dinner-time, Tosen has just left to sort out some business and Ichimaru is, well, who knows where he is, so you have some time, the room is open."

Music to my Heart (A Bleach/Ulquihime fic)Where stories live. Discover now