Chapter 11

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.
Yaay I'm working faster. Not as fast as I would like, but faster than these past few months. I would actually like to get this done by the end of my holidays, as in before February. Hopefully it will happen and I can start to work on my other stories properly :)

Thanks so much guys for all the amazing reviews of last chapter, I got way more than usual which made me super happy!

So enjoy this next chapter, it's so long compared to all the others so I hope you appreciate the effort.

Huge thanks to my awesome Beta Smylealong. Check out her aweosme stories that I Beta as well :)

Song: Count On Me - Bruno Mars

Ulquiorra fidgeted nervously as he leaned against the window pane in the classroom the next morning. He shifted from leg to leg, and then moved to sit on the opposite desk.

Nnoitra peered at him nervously, "You OK mate?"

"Fine." He replied shortly.

"He's just nervous," nodded Grimmjow knowingly.

Ulquiorra kicked him in the shins, "If I am nervous it's because of what trouble you might get into today."

"Alright class settle down," said Byakuya Kuchiki, walking into the room calmly.

Everyone took a seat at their desks, Tatsuki, Ichigo and Chizuru looking at the door worriedly. Ulquiorra was with them. What if she had been raped? Good God how was he going to explain that one to Aizen? "Sorry, I've been expelled and may be placed into prison for letting a strange girl walk home on her own at night." Yeah right! Urgh, he was being stupid. She hadn't been raped. And as if he would be going to prison for letting her walk home alone! Was there even a law for that?

"Ulquiorra Cifer?"

"Present," he replied absently, still staring at the door.

Maybe she had gotten lost! That would be a problem. Imagine the headlines: Teenager lost in her own town because her project partner did not have the guts to drive her home. And since when had he gotten such a wild imagination? She was growing on him too much. He didn't even like her! .

"Nnoitra Jiruga?"


"You wish Jiruga," Byakuya replied dryly without looking up and ignoring the chuckles of the class.

"Orihime Inoue?"

Ulquiorra looked up as the room began to buzz quietly with concern.

"Ms Inoue?" Byakuya asked again, frowning slightly.

"I haven't seen her today sir," ventured Tatsuki, her face a mask of worry.

"That's strange, I haven't received a notification of absence," he mused, staring down at the roll.

Suddenly the classroom door burst open to reveal a very breathless and dishevelled Orihime. Everyone gasped as they caught a look at her appearance: her eyes were surrounded by dark circles and her face looked as pale and pallid as stale milk. Her hair had that look of having been washed but not dried and left overnight so that ends of it stuck up in clumps. Her uniform was damp and crumpled. All-in-all, she had a very un-Orihime-like appearance. The first word that came to Ulquiorra's mind was: Shit.

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