Chapter 27

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

"Brother!" exclaimed Rukia. "What are you doing here?"

Byakuya walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Well it's about time," said Gin, smiling menacingly, "he was 'bout to go on a murderous rampage and I had to step in and stop him."

The big man laughed, "You did good, Ichimaru, nice work." He looked around appraisingly at the others who were staring at him with unabashed shock, "Actually, nice job all of you, you're all pretty strong. I like that." He walked over to Aizen and kicked him casually on the head. Aizen groaned and opened his eyes, staring up at him. The man gave him a big toothy grin, "My name is Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Karakura Police force, and I am hereby arresting you."

Aizen glared up at him. "What?" he snapped thickly, coughing as blood filled his mouth.

Kenpachi grabbed Aizen's hair and lifted him up onto his knees, "I said, you're under arrest, and if I have my way, you're gonna be locked in prison for the rest of your pathetic life. You've been giving me quite a lot of trouble, with all those damn drugs, it's been a real pain tryin' to get you caught and all. You're a clever man, but apparently not clever enough."

"You have no proof that I'm the one behind those drugs!" Aizen exclaimed, maniacal laughter bubbling in his throat.

"Actually, Ichimaru here has been giving us information on you for the past year," Kenpachi said.

"What?" gasped Rangiku, relief flooding her face as she hugged Gin very suddenly around the shoulders, pulling back when he yelped in pain.

"You have got to be kidding me," muttered Ulquiorra.

Aizen jerked his head to look at Gin who grinned and waved at him, "Sorry about that sir, I guess ya're not as clever as ya thought. Oh, I also made sure to film everything that happened in this room, hope ya don't mind."

"You bastard!" Aizen spat. He tugged at his handcuffs frantically, "You can't arrest me, I'm unstoppable!"

"Tell that to someone who cares," said Kenpachi dryly, lifting him up roughly and dragging him out the door. "Ikakku, Yumichika, take the other one!" he barked at the other two men who nodded and took Tosen, dragging him unceremoniously out of the room, taking care to slam his head into the door-frame.

"Let go of me!" Aizen screamed, kicking and flailing, his cries echoing down the hallway. "You fucking bastard, you are not worthy to touch me you-" he broke off with a scream of pain followed by a resounding thud that indicated Kenpachi had tossed him down the staircase.

Ulquiorra felt nothing but grim satisfaction as he heard the pitiful cries of his stepfather. "I always knew he was a pathetic coward," he murmured out loud. Orihime took his hand and squeezed it. He reached out and pulled her into an embrace, longing to feel her warmth under his fingers and the reassurance that everything that had happened was real. He felt his worries floating away so suddenly it made him feel light-headed. Finally, it was over.

Orihime looked around, still clutching Ulquiorra tightly. She could see Rangiku wrapping Gin's shirt around his leg, crying while attempting to scold him and failing miserably. Nnoitra, Renji and Grimmjow were sitting dazed on the ground, their eyes cloudy, Uryu was leaning against a desk, his head in his hands. Tatsuki had her arm around Chizuru who seemed to be unable to stop crying and Ichigo was holding a shaking Rukia. Byakuya was kneeling next to Cirucci, holding her hand and talking to her in a soothing voice.

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