Chapter 28

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Wooh second last chapter! Omigosh I'm actually going to be so sad when I upload the next chapter, like yeah...

OK I don't want to think about it or I'll just freak out.

Anyway here you go. Sorry about the delay in replies to reviews and putting this chapter out a few days later than I had intended, I started University last week and it's been pretty hectic and crazy and stuff. With everything happening I hope I can get the last chapter out on time but no guarantees. Who knows, I might be too sad to finish it and I'll never upload it, Muahahahahaa!

I'm joking I swear!

Song: Wake Me Up - Avicii

This chapter has not been beta'd.

"ICHIGO-O-O-O!" cried Keigo, jumping on Ichigo as he walked through the door. The orange-haired boy dodged it easily, causing Keigo to tumble ungracefully to the floor.

"Oh hi there, Keigo, you fall over again?" he asked, looking down at his friend.

"Is that any way to greet a friend who you haven't seen for a few days after you mysteriously disappeared?" whimpered Keigo.

Orihime walked in and held out her hand to pull him up, "Good morning, are you alright?"

Keigo's eyes filled with tears and he hugged her tightly, "Orihime, the eternal sunshine of my life! Are you OK now?!"

Orihime giggled and pulled away from the hug, "Yes I'm fine, sorry if I scared you."

"You all scared us," said Mizuiro, walking up to them. "Oh, good morning Rukia," he greeted as the smaller girl walked in followed by Ulquiorra. Orihime, Ulquiorra and Loly had been staying at the Kuchiki's as the two latter were not allowed back into Aizen's house while investigations were taking place, and Orihime refused to leave him. Mizuiro eyed him for a moment before smiling, "Morning to you too Ulquiorra."

Ulquiorra blinked, his green eyes staring at the smaller boy for a moment before he relaxed slightly and nodded at him, "Morning."

Keigo's mouth dropped, "The aloof Ulquiorra Schiffer just acknowledged us! I think I'm going to have a heart attack!"

"Go ahead," offered Ichigo, smirking as he dumped his bag at the desk. Rukia kicked him in the shins.

Orihime put her bag down and went to sit on Ulquiorra's desk, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his chest.

"Do you want me to come with you this afternoon?" she asked softly. He put his own arms around her shoulders and nodded mutely.

Halibell walked in followed by Mila-Rose, Apacci and Sun-Sun, the latter three bickering loudly. The former nodded at Orihime and Ulquiorra as they walked past.

The door crashed open as Nnoitra and Grimmjow entered, laughing at an obnoxious joke.

"Why do you always have to be so loud when you come in?" grumbled Ichigo loudly.

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