Chapter 29

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Ulquiorra had never considered himself to be a person that was prone to worrying or nerves. Even when facing Aizen, he had still managed to keep a level head and calm composure. But now, as he was standing in the wings of the large concert stage in Karakura Park on Christmas Eve, he was starting to feel that going up against Aizen again might be preferable.

The backstage was a mess of people, floating glitter, harried teachers and staff, instruments and props. Just behind the curtains a group of giggling children dressed as elves waited. Onstage, Uryu was performing a stunning version of Do You Hear What I Hear, his smooth voice ringing out over the hushed park that was filled with almost the entire town sitting on picnic rugs and waving candles and glow-sticks in rhythm. Behind him stood the senior and junior school choir, dressed in wine red robes, singing along in a glorious harmony. At any other time, Ulquiorra felt he would have appreciated the song a lot more, but right now he could barely hear it as he tapped his finger against his arm impatiently.

Orihime came up to him and put her hand on his, calming the erratic movement and leaning against him. He relaxed slightly, but still could not stop the buzzing nerves.

Uryu finished the song with a resounding note that rang over the park before the audience erupted into cheers. He bowed and walked off, shaking his head at Ichigo who was releasing an ear-splitting whistle through his fingers. He made his way into the wings, smiling at a group of awe-struck elves, and nodded at Orihime who ran over and hugged him.

"You were wonderful!" she gushed.

He pushed up his glasses, "Thank you. Save your voice for your own performances though."

She laughed, "Alright, alright. I'll see you in a few minutes." Uryu smiled and walked backstage, side-stepping the mass of elves who were hurrying onstage to sing an off-pitch but still angelic rendition of Silent Night. It would probably have sounded better if one elf wasn't so completely tone-deaf that it made Ulquiorra's head hurt.

Orihime walked back to Ulquiorra and took his hand again, "Calm down, you'll be fine."

"I know that," he grumbled half-heartedly. She raised her eyebrow at him and he sighed, "This is the first time I've played in front of anyone but you. No one even knew I played piano before this..."

She put her finger to his lips, "Hush, I know. Don't worry, I'm right there beside you. If you have a problem, just look at me," he nodded slowly and she kissed him gently. "Besides, I think if anyone should be worried, it's me. I'm on next after all."

He smirked, "Please, you're excited, I know you are."

She grinned, "Well I can't deny that."

The elves finally finished their fifth repeated verse of Silent Night and walked off, eyes glowing as the audience clapped, half enthusiastic about the adorable elves, half overjoyed because they were finished.

Orihime took a deep breath and smiled at Ulquiorra who nodded at her. She felt herself relax as the green eyes stared at her seriously. Ulquiorra watched her walk out, her long silver dress glittering in the blaring lights and making her shine brighter than the moon above. Rukia followed her on, wearing a sparkling knee-length dress of deep lilac silk, and sat at the piano.

Music to my Heart (A Bleach/Ulquihime fic)Where stories live. Discover now