Chapter 3

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.
"Hiya Orihime!" said Tatsuki, walking up to the orange-haired girl. "How was the composing last night?"

Orihime looked up at her best friend, "Oh it was disastrous, I couldn't get anything done."

"That sucks, oh well, you've still got three weeks to do it right?"

Orihime nodded, feeling downcast. Truth be told, she was not feeling upset about the assignment, but about Ulquiorra's reaction when she had cried. He must think she was such a weakling, an idiot that could not hold herself together. However, last night, she had gotten the idea that the next time she saw him she would apologise for her stupidity, and she just had to hope he would accept it. He played so beautifully, she wanted to hear him again, maybe if she said sorry he might, just might play for her.

The two girls grabbed their books and went to class, where their teacher, Byakuya Kuchiki, held a tight reign over them and did not tolerate anyone coming in after he did. They walked in and dropped their books on their respective desks. Noticing the entire class had their faces pressed against the windows, they went up to where their friends Rukia and Rangiku were gazing out onto the oval.

"What's up?" asked Tatsuki.

Rukia turned around and grinned at them, "Grimmjow and Nnoitra managed to steal Mr Iba's clothes when he was in the shower after his morning Yoga sessions, take a look!"

The two girls peered out and let out a peal of laughter as they spotted the blue-haired Grimmjow and lanky Nnoitra running around the oval holding the clothes of one of the PE teachers, Tensuzaemon Iba, and being chased by said man wearing only his towel, strangely enough, he still had his sun-glasses on.

"YOU PUNKS WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" he roared, sprinting after them.

They two delinquents laughed loudly and ran to the side of the oval, chucking the clothes to their pink-haired friend, Szayel Apporro Granz, who raised a lighter and burned the clothes without further ado. The three boys then ran off, barely able to move from laughter. The PE teacher stared at the disintegrated mess of his clothes and fell on the ground crying.

"Hmph," said a voice next to the girls who were clutching their chests from laughter. "They are going to be in a lot of trouble."

"Oh hi Uryu!" exclaimed Orihime, smiling at her bespectacled friend who was looking very disapproving.

Rangiku turned to him, wiping tears from her eyes, "You gotta admit though, they looked very hot while doing that."

Uryu turned a furious shade of crimson and pushed his glasses up, "I wouldn't know."

Ichigo walked in and slung his bag on his desk, "It was pretty disrespectful of them, Mr Iba isn't a bad teacher."

"Aw lighten up Kurosaki!"

The class turned around to see Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques, Nnoitra Gilga and Szayel Apporro Granz standing at the doorway, faces red from laughing.

"It's just a shame we couldn't burn those sun-glasses too," snorted Nnoitra.

"It would have been enjoyable to see the look on his face if those had been burnt, but strangely enough, he wears them in the shower too!" sniggered Szayel.

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